Red Dead Redemption 2

I'm having so much fun, almost 20 hours in and still in Chapter 2, so much stuff to do.

I find it weird that so many are playing Online, is it really that good?

Yep nearly 100 hours in and still on Chapter 3.

Have been mooching about doing so many great things and it still surprises me with more.

Not been online yet other than to create a character and that was by mistake.
Online has been a bit frustrating. Mainly due to the crashes, usually towards the end of a mission when you have done all of the hard work but end up getting nothing for your trouble.
The other issue is of cause is the auto aim servers, (or maybe cheaters), who just kill with one bullet everytime.

Hopefully this latest patch and hotfix driver will improve things.
Single player is still a lot of fun.
seems like the latest patch increased some advanced settings for me which was causing performance drop.
after adjusting those its running as before.
I did get it working using the windows 10 HDR option.

But it's very dark so I won't be using HDR in windows anymore.

I found out why win 10 desktop goes dark, it is because the desktop is not hdr. It actually has a slider to make sdr brighter which in turn makes the desktop bright like it should be.

Gears 5. Best PC HDR ever.

Oo thank you, I actually have that with the ultimate gamepass :)
Online has been a bit frustrating. Mainly due to the crashes, usually towards the end of a mission when you have done all of the hard work but end up getting nothing for your trouble.
The other issue is of cause is the auto aim servers, (or maybe cheaters), who just kill with one bullet everytime.

Hopefully this latest patch and hotfix driver will improve things.
Single player is still a lot of fun.

I've had a better time of it online since changing to free aim mode, seems to keep all the auto aim'ers away
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The desktop is still SDR, it makes sense tbh, otherwise all apps would have to be coded for HDR. I really can't see m$ even thinking about making the desktop HDR because it is rather pointless.

You will be able to switch it on and off. Problem solved.
Then one can play games and watch movies in UHD HDR :)

And windows does support more than a few 100 nits.
My TV is 4000 windows 10 for real HDR is pointless
I actually fixed HDR in this game, it was set to RGB 8bpc. I set it to 422 and 10bpc in the control panel and it now looks quite good in HDR. Not the best compared to other games but yeah looks a bit better than SDR for sure.
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Online has been a bit frustrating. Mainly due to the crashes, usually towards the end of a mission when you have done all of the hard work but end up getting nothing for your trouble.
The other issue is of cause is the auto aim servers, (or maybe cheaters), who just kill with one bullet everytime.

Hopefully this latest patch and hotfix driver will improve things.
Single player is still a lot of fun.

Switch to Vulcan for the API and your crashes will go, if your fed up with auto aim you need to disable the option and change to free-aim this will only put you in lobbies / servers with people using freeaim too.
I don't know if this will help anybody else with an Nvidia GPU but if you have the setting in Nvidia Control Panel "Adjust image settings with preview" as "let 3D application decide", change it to "use my preference" either for performance or quality, it doesn't seem to make any difference on my system. RD2 does not crash on this setting for me
Unless I'm missing something here, I seem to have discovered a bug. I collected a legendary bear pelt and put it on the back of my horse. I then went to the stables to buy a new saddle and the pelt disappeared. Bit of a shame, because I was carrying it around for ages and was hoping to use it to craft a fancy new jacket and matching hat.
So I went ahead and used recommended settings by HardwareUnboxed and the game looks way better than my previous mostly medium settings without dropping too much performance. It now runs between 50-70fps and i started playing on a controller not to notice input lag from low-ish framerate. Properly enjoying the game now...
Unless I'm missing something here, I seem to have discovered a bug. I collected a legendary bear pelt and put it on the back of my horse. I then went to the stables to buy a new saddle and the pelt disappeared. Bit of a shame, because I was carrying it around for ages and was hoping to use it to craft a fancy new jacket and matching hat.

It should be laying by the trapper.
How is your Arthur looking?

Mine is distinctly bushy.....

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