Red Dead Redemption 2

Interesting....very interesting. Our own houses. I wonder how its going to work, will the houses be like the camps and move about all over the place and sometimes have problems spawning, will they be in separate "instances", will they be in the gameworld proper and if so can you place one anywhere or only in set locations. Can other players find your house and come into it, can you block them and so on. Lots of questions.
Is there a way to get back into the game from the menu settings with one button press? I have to press back about 4-5 times depending on what part of the menu I am on like settings for example.
I always figured it would be that price on steam. Dont think it was ever likely to be discounted much, I suspect it will be the same for all the titles which arrive on steam later than other launchers.

It was not discounted on Epic either at launch.

It was also available on RSSC for £29.99 as a Black Friday deal over the weekend.

They have this sewn up price wise, other than Key sites... which as said, £31.99 currently..
Its been a long time since I used that site, can I add it to Steam with no issues these days?

Shouldn't be a problem, I've bought dozens of keys from them and not had a single one not work. Don't know if they are steam keys or Rockstar keys still at this point but then again even with steam it will still need the Rockstar launcher anyway so no massive advantage either way.
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