Red Dead Redemption 2

I’ve not replayed this since I got my 2080Ti, should be a bit better with a 4090FE.

Just got to finish Fallout4, then this before Starfield launches in Sept. That’ll be many weeks worth of evenings taken care of!
Doing a reinstall of this now, completed the games ages ago but just feel like I need a chill out game to just go and explore the world and do some hunting. Nothing too intense or heavy. This game is perfect for that. Hopefully I've still got my savegame.
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Downloaded this again after updating my system, it ran ok on my old setup but now crashes constantly in different places, even when I have had it on pause.
I see on different sites that a lot of people are having problems and suggesting different solutions such as using windowed mode, lowering the graphical detail etc but none of them work.
You can't even do a manual save for ages and have to start at the beginning of a section again, very frustrating.
Tried the other API? For me Vulkan was always the most stable but looking online seems others had better success with DX12.
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Yeah its always been like this even when i did my first play through quite a few years ago. I'm about 30% into my second playthrough and it still feels horrible lol.

Horse riding is just as bad, slightest wrong turn and your horse does a 180 and goes all over the place.
I cant remember the exact setting but there is an option so the horse doesn't go in the direction you are looking and just follows the directional keys. Makes looking around and shooting off the horse so much better, especially shooting backwards.
Tried the other API? For me Vulkan was always the most stable but looking online seems others had better success with DX12.
Tried both with the same results unfortunately
Will next try uninstalling the AMD software and re-installing just the drivers to see if that makes any difference
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Have just started the epilogue. What a game this is.

Ive just picked it up again. I was playing it a few months back and completed around 50% of the main story but stupidly lost all my saves when I rebuilt my system.

For me its the perfect chill out game and the visuals are stunning. Easily the prettiest game I’ve ever played.
I've had this since release and have not gotten far. It's the pace that mostly puts me off but I'd like to experience the story. Do you guys have any tips? Is hunting necessary? Do I really need to upgrade the camp?
I've had this since release and have not gotten far. It's the pace that mostly puts me off but I'd like to experience the story. Do you guys have any tips? Is hunting necessary? Do I really need to upgrade the camp?

You earn plenty of money in the story to upgrade everything, not that I’ve used the upgrades and no, hunting isn’t necessary. Worth doing all the side missions though.
I've had this since release and have not gotten far. It's the pace that mostly puts me off but I'd like to experience the story. Do you guys have any tips? Is hunting necessary? Do I really need to upgrade the camp?

Im no expert but i did read today that its worth spending money upgrading the camp. You unlock fast travel or something like that.

You upgrade the camp through the ledger.
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Do you guys have any tips?

There are a couple of tips, stuff that i tend to do after first playthrough to make things quicker and easier, but i'll spoiler tag then incase you/others don't want me ruining the exploration aspect:

1. Get rich quick(ish)
Once you have free roaming, you want to be going to the west/southwest of the map and in the west of big valley look for an obelisk on the hillside, inside there will be a map for the landmarks of riches treasure trail that will give a decent amount of valuables that can be sold to a fence probably the single most profitable side quest.

You can either google a guide to the further locations or just encounter them whilst exploring through the rest of the game

2. More dakka
In the northeastern portion of big valley there's a shack with an old lady, just walk right in and go to the basement to get a semi-auto shotgun.

3. More dakka (and some cash)
Whenever you see a home burglary side quest objective with javier, do the mission and when finished make sure to explore the site, there's a pump action shotgun in one of the buildings which imo is one of the best guns in the game

4. More dakka (handgun edition)
One of the first side missions in the game is in valentine (the saloon at the top end of town) asks you to go and interview a bunch of famous gunslingers, it's worth doing because a few of them drop decent handguns so you can get your hands on a (slightly debuffed over the regular version) mauser pretty early in the game. Pretty sure the locations pop up on the map so you don't have to blindly stumble around looking for them.

Other than that, as captainrave suggests you can just beeline the story quests, things like camp upgrades (apart from unlocking fast travel by upgrading arthurs wagon (at least i think that's the specific thing you need to buy)) can reasonably be skipped, as can most side quests, stranger encounters, hunting/fishing challenges and random encounters.

That said, the wide variety of things to do is kinda the point of the game and beelining the plot means missing out on a lot of what the game has to offer.
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