Red Dead Redemption Thread

Can someone explain the duelling to me? I keep getting shot and there seems to be no tutorial for it.


He talks about how to duel at around 3 minutes in.

ign user said:
In a duel you have two bars on the right, the blue is your bar and the red is their bar. The aim is to fill up your bar higher than their bar.

When the duel starts and it enters dead eye wait for your enemy to go for his gun first: drawing after your opponent gives you better accuracy.

Once you've drawn aim for vital spots of the body like the head and chest or the hand or gun if you want to disarm. The crosshairs give you a bigger boost and acuracy if you mark it when it's white and tight.

You can spam marks in vital places, as long as your bar is higher when dead eye finishes you will win.
I don't think anyone understands duelling, I just mash the head area and end up headshotting him 4 or 5 times :D

He talks about how to duel at around 3 minutes in.

youtube link

Is there anywhere I can duel someone to try this out? So far I was challenged outside the saloon in Armadillo twice but got shot both times.

I don't understand the duelling either. I've had my blue bar higher than my opponents red bar a few times now and I've still been killed by them, they do some stupid dodge move and then shoot me in the face, frustrating to the point where I no longer accept duels from people and just walk away.
how long are you waiting till the draw ? ive honestly never lost one although i bet ive only done a few more than 10.

nearing completion now and ill be sad when its over :( best singleplayer game ive played since MGS4
Ive found out its best to use a revolver that has a mx of 6 bullets for duels, just use all 6 targets and it will auto shoot, lost a few duels using the semi automatic pistol as i kept running out of time before i had the 15 used.
how long are you waiting till the draw ? ive honestly never lost one although i bet ive only done a few more than 10.

nearing completion now and ill be sad when its over :( best singleplayer game ive played since MGS4

Holding down on the analogue stick and as soon as the text "Draw" appears I flick the stick up and tap R1 to mark the target then keep tapping R2 to fire, although 7/10 times I end up dead. :(
Q: how can you return a wanted man rather than kill them?

i couldnt find a way i guess you need a lasso which i haven't got yet (im guessing you get one from bonnie? i have left her missions, they seem a bit dull.:D
Get this game earlier and so far I'm really enjoying it!

I don't know what any of the lingos are yet, but so far I've got an ability that slows down time, however I've seen in other videos that you can paint a 'x' over target(s) so it will shoot them right where you want them to be shot... When do I unlock this?

Thankfully its nothing like FC2. And I hope no game is ever like FC2 again, total waste of a chance at a really great game.

I agree. It sucked. Have just got to Mexico, heeded warning in this thread about prostitute calling for help by wagon, zipped past would-be ambushers! Win!
Its pretty easy. You just have to guess how many of each dice is on the table.

I got the no dice trophy by just telling the truth about what die I had and calling out the cpu's bluff.

No Dice
Complete a game of Liar's Dice without losing a single die.

Liar's Dice is a game of counting more than anything else and is available where you see the die icon at most of the saloons. You and two to three players take turns shaking up 5 dice to start with in a cup and then putting them on the table under the cup so only you can see what you have. Players take turns around the board saying how many dice they think there are of a specific face value under each persons cup for the entire table. For instance if you see that you have 2 4s under your cup you might guess three 4s assuming that someone else may have another 2. While the guessing is taking place, you have to bet equal or greater value then the previous bet, but you can change the die face value you are betting on. SO lets say someone bets 2 4s like before, your next bet can either be 2 of any other face value other than 4, OR 3 or greater of any die face value. When you think someone is making something up you can call their bluff. So if someone say 5 6s and there aren't at least 5 6s on the table they lose a die. Now if you call the bluff and they are correct you lose a die.

Now that you know the rules here's the strategy. This is really only tough in the beginning because everyone has so many dice. I have found the computer will usually call one more of any die face value than they actually have. Try to keep your calls limited to what you have under your cup in case of a bluff, and try to let them bluff each other and whittle down each others dice. If the computer starts with something small like 2 3s and then on there next turn jumps it up to like 5 3s and you dont have any of what they are calling its a good time to call a bluff. After you take one of them out it should get a lot easier. Pay attention to how many dice they have left. When they get down to one or two they usually only call what they have. It's easier to undercall when you get down to this point. So if you look under your cup and have 3 2s, only call 1. when it comes back to you bump it up to the real number and the computer will usually call a bluff and you of course will be right and they will lose a die. Remember you only lose if the table has less than the number, so if there are more than the number called you still win! If you can make it through the game without losing a single die you will get the trophy.
I dont get that game either???

Its pretty easy. You just have to guess how many of each dice is on the table.

I got the no dice trophy by just telling the truth about what die I had and calling out the cpu's bluff.

I think I was trying the "exact guess" option too much. I will stick to calling bluffs aka "LIAR"!!.

Correct me if I am wrong, I am playing the game for the 1st time in Thieve's Landing, and was instructed to go there by some guy in the movie place in Armidillo. Do I have to win once at this game to continue? (There is a "?" icon next to the Dice table).

iirc this was the game in the Pirates of the Caribbean film.

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