Red Dwarf XI and XII

Oooh. Didn't realise this was coming up.

Having read separate work by both of them, I'm fairly convinced that Grant has the real natural ability for writing comedy. Perhaps Naylor has a relative knack for pulling in the sci-fi ideas. Red Dwarf had really been missing that comedy edge since Grant left. This thread was the first I'd heard that Grant had worked on the previous series but I wouldn't find it entirely surprising if true.

As an aside - last year I got to know a Priest landed with possibly the ultimate Red Dwarf name: Fr Grant Naylor SSC (the SSC bit refers to a membership of a society within the Church of England but I'm sure some of you will get the other reference - ). He's a scouser too and a very nice chap...
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Noticed in one of the merchandise items for the new series Kryten's costume is red with a diamond looking centrepiece for an episode called Krytens Krysis.
Kryten has a mid-life crisis and changes his body cover from Mech grey to Ferrari red. The posse try and show him how much he's achieved in life by taking him to visit a mechanoid from his old fleet.

If you want to see the full episode list :-

The Dwarfers find themselves in an alternative version of America where modern technology is prohibited, making Rimmer and Kryten illegal. The Dwarfers infiltrate the tech savvy underground and try to bring down the authoritarian regime.
When the Dwarfers investigate a crashed ship at the bottom of an ocean moon, Lister and Cat become trapped together and Lister's nightmare begins. Meantime Rimmer and Kryten discover the ship is controlled by a dark force.
After an altercation with a deranged droid Lister has his kidneys organ-napped. The only solution is to ask Cat, the most selfish creature in the universe, to give him one of his.
After a scandalous piece of good fortune Rimmer saves the life of a bio-printed Captain and is promoted, fulfilling his life-long dream of becoming an Officer. He immediately opens an Officer's club, which is out of bounds to the lower orders, and uses the bio-printer to fill it with versions of himself.
Kryten has a mid-life crisis and changes his body cover from Mech grey to Ferrari red. The posse try and show him how much he's achieved in life by taking him to visit a mechanoid from his old fleet.
Cat takes time off from being in love with himself to fall head over heels in love with a lady Cat with a big secret.

Episode 2 reminds me of

Marooned but with Lister and Cat instead of Lister and Rimmer

Episode 4 sounds a bit like

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WOT ???!!!!! The Borg are in RD now ?

The amount of ref to the film i thought was in this new episode leads to me to believe the episode is very inspired by it.

Well for a start theres these simulant kinda bad guys, half man half machine bit like the borg. They even used similar borg designations like 3 of 5 or whatever they called themselves individually. Next theres the going to earth to do something like change history. Ok that was in FC. Then RD crew see the vortex just like picard did and lister i think it was said we gotta go in, just like picard said kinda. So they go in. Just like in FC. Like i said its very samey to some of the situations from ST FC.
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I tried to watch season 5 last night but didn't find it funny at all, got to episode 2 and turned it off, which season would you guys say is the best?
I tried to watch season 5 last night but didn't find it funny at all, got to episode 2 and turned it off, which season would you guys say is the best?

Seasons 1 and 2 are by far the best and, imho, are truly brilliant. They`re good beyond that - my fave episode is Marooned in season 3 - but the quality tails off the further you go.
Going against the flow, 3 and 4 are my favourites. 3 for the overall best I think.

Take Marooned for example. How that's so entertaining with them both just sat in Starbug. Amazing writing.

Just watched the first from S11. Was okay, but not a patch still on the originals.
Whilst s3 does have the fab episodes like marooned and backwards in em and kryten. I still think s1 and s2 have some of the best episodes mainly as i liked the sets back then and they were at their prime due to their age but also the writing which was mainly for lister and rimmer bantering for almost all of the episodes were the best experiences i think. Plus holly was good in em too. If i had my way the sets and writing would have stayed like they were in s1 and 2. I hate how posh the sets are now and how more and more they are focused on things off ship instead of the bunk room or the other sets from s1. Just isnt the same, the writing and focus is gone i think. Not that i wont watch any red dwarf if its new ill of course watch it and might enjoy the odd episode but man i crave some new episodes that were like the good old days of RD instead of fancy sets and boring plots.

Its like they are used to being in deep space nowadays. They dont strive to get back home, dont mess about on Red Dwarf finding new stuff on the various decks, exploring it etc. No one on one episodes much anymore. No more holly trying to keep lister sane due to the loneliness of it all. No more rimmer going ALIENS, they might give me a new body, etc.
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1-2 are best for pure lister / rimmer banter and holly jokes

3-6 are best for the adventure stuff like dna / justice / gunmen / quarantine / back to reality etc
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