Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

It's been a bit of a minor **** up bit they are there now adding them manually. Just had ours added in seconds. I think the biggest issue was that the browser was broken and was showing unranked servers as ranked. They fixed that problem and it seemed to create more.
As Gazanimal suggested, surely waiting a few days even once the applications had been processed and then releasing the update would have made sense?
Annoyingly, many of us have legitimate servers which have now been labelled as "unranked" which is a blatant.

Even more annoying when you have been trying to build up a well populated server only for it to goto **** and not be your fault :mad:

Yeah, that does indeed suck as I noticed your server was empty earlier. But its in the favourites and I'm sure many here have it also so it will get going again :)

The tanks are good fun.

Wouldn't mind teaming up with a few of you guys... 5 in a tank isn't it?

Bagsy not sitting next to Neil, you never know where his hands will be.
Not what's going on but today the games are distinctly laggy and low performing, I feel like i've put a low end graphics card in my system :(
I gave singleplayer campaign a quick go last night and it performeed quite well but as I understand the performance hit comes when online right?

Been browsing the TWI forum and it doesnt make great reading to be honest. Devs are even blaming poor performance on poor hardware when a lot of members have 2600k and GTX580 rigs :eek:
Game is now unplayable :(


25fps-30fps, sometimes dropping down to 22fps

Characters/textures - High
shadows LOW
Physx - OFF
Everything else medium apart from


When it was first released 40fps+, now this :(
Server backup and Ranked.

Not too happy with TW, could have handled it better but they were prompt to fix.

Gazanimal, any news on your application?

Mine's still showing as Unranked even though it's supposed to have been manually added to the Ranked List last night. So really peeved with this convoluted system

As Gazanimal suggested, surely waiting a few days even once the applications had been processed and then releasing the update would have made sense?

I thought it was a good idea, shame John Gibson from TWI didn't. Got right Mr ****y Pants about it. :rolleyes:
Running with hardware physics might help with fps as it will lift the strain from the cpu. I am not sure how correct it is but what I heard is that it doesn't change game visually at all but may help with the performance.
Running with hardware physics might help with fps as it will lift the strain from the cpu. I am not sure how correct it is but what I heard is that it doesn't change game visually at all but may help with the performance.

You don't think i've tried it on already? :confused:
Runs great for ne on ultra except shadows and post processing which are on high I run it at 1080p and have [email protected] 4gb ddr2 and 5850

Got no complaints here on performance

Not played today had performance got worse?
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