Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

i have only asked for a refund from steam till they fix the issues, what i cant understand is why the bad performnce , its the ur3 engine same as batman etc and for my eyes thats got a hell of a lot more going on , on screen than ro2 , some of the maps are just a few bushes and hills etc esp , the tank maps ? thank god they didnt use the new ur engine , i know tripwire will get there, but as said earlier this should have been taken care of in betas not general release ....... it will be a good game once fixed , but i rather the money in my bank just now than tripwires :)
It's looking like a major memory leak :(

Join map 64 players 40-60fps, smooth and good kills. Within about 30mins sometimes more it drops down to 15-20fps and pretty much stays there, with a lot of lag. If i leave the game come back to the server it's back up again.
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It's looking like a major memory leak :(

Join map 64 players 40-60fps, smooth and good kills. Within about 30mins sometimes more it drops down to 15-20fps and pretty much stays there, with a lot of lag. If i leave the game come back to the server it's back up again.

Will post it to devs, see if they say anything.
It's looking like a major memory leak :(

Join map 64 players 40-60fps, smooth and good kills. Within about 30mins sometimes more it drops down to 15-20fps and pretty much stays there, with a lot of lag. If i leave the game come back to the server it's back up again.

What happens when u join 32/40 player slot servers?
Hmmm certainly something going on for it to affect some high ends too

Memory leaks would fit that as they can affect people in different ways

Dev response
We are not blaming your computer.

We know we are very CPU bound on slower dual core machines near our min spec. And we are working hard to deal with that issue.

HOWERVER, we are also aware we have an anomaly where some very high end PC's are getting subpar performance. We have so far not been able to reproduce this in the office. We are very aware it exists are are working as hard as we can to track it down, but it is slow going because we cannot get it to happen here in the office.

I'll tell you what, if you are willing, I will pay full shipping plus compensation to get your computer in my office.
Reasonable, you are joking... How many people would pack there computer up and send it away just to help someone?. If i did that I'd no longer be on ocuk, i'd have no tv or movies to watch, no way of processing my photography, wouldn't be able to play any games, no music to listen to.

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