Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

Can someone clear somehing up for me. The elite rifleman can eventually unlock the bolt action rifles at veteran level. When they do this and play with the kar98 say, can they then further unlock the bayonet etc on the bolt action, or is it stuck at bog standard. I religiously play as a bog standard rifleman cos I prefer the challenge but it recently occured to me if the elite rifleman can get the best of both worlds anyway then you only have to level up one class and therefore benefit from the class perks, stamina, suppression resistance etc, the one time for both weapons.

Also with regards to the semi-auto rifles, are these definately restricted to just those that pick elite rifleman and the squad leaders, as it seems I come across more people with these weapons than there should really be slots for, or at least I seem to get killed more often than not by someone with these weapons, so it maybe just gives the impression everyone has one. That or people are just picking them up I guess.
Also with regards to the semi-auto rifles, are these definately restricted to just those that pick elite rifleman and the squad leaders, as it seems I come across more people with these weapons than there should really be slots for, or at least I seem to get killed more often than not by someone with these weapons, so it maybe just gives the impression everyone has one. That or people are just picking them up I guess.

Commander can pick them too, also the AVT and MKB are assault only.
Im not sure, but i think you need to ask for it, i think its in the V menu, i think then the option shows up but not sure - Otherwise look for an ammo crate icon on the map and go to it, then you will resupply.

Yesterday I was an elite riflemen, ran out of ammo, so I requested some but two people said they were unable to supply me :S
if you sort by name then scroll down to all the [ ] servers is it not in there ?

Nope, not if I sort by name, ping, Honor, Map Name etc.

I know it should sit under [OcUK] server in the name list but it's not there.

Actually compared your screenshot to my server list & there's a few on yours that are missing on mine.

I wonder if my router just isn't letting them all through, like it's being flooded but I've tried without Flood Protection on. (Netgear DGN2200)
Seem to be lasting a lot longer before I get kicked now, still a pain in the arse though.

Also the auto aim in tanks is ridiculous. I was on red october factory earlier and watched three or four of our guys running behind cover to flank an mg, as soon as they passed a small gap where a window was blown out they were all headshotted by the mg gunner of the tank one by one. I could see and hear the tank, it was easily 125m away, it wasn't as if it was spraying at the window and caught them all, it was 3-4 single shots with pin point accuracy.
OK, now I can see it in the list (after leaving the list ages to refresh) I've tweaked it to the following:

32 Players
No Killcam
No Tanks
No Fallen Fighters
No whining bitches. ;)

Dive inn! The waters lovely.
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OK, now I can see it in the list (after leaving the list ages to refresh) I've tweaked it to the following:

32 Players
No KillcamNo Tanks
No Fallen Fighters
No whining bitches. ;)

Dive inn! The waters lovely.

Nice will have to try it out :D
Nice 32 Players
No Killcam
No Fallen Fighters
I'll be trying to give mine a kick start as it's fallen behind from the Ranked balls up last week.

Mine need a hand or 3 to get it going, so if you're not on OcUK, then pop along to mine for 5 mins chaps :D
I'll be trying to give mine a kick start as it's fallen behind from the Ranked balls up last week.

Mine need a hand or 3 to get it going, so if you're not on OcUK, then pop along to mine for 5 mins chaps :D

I tired looking for it early as I prefer smaller slot server, but could not find it I give it another another go now
I'll be trying to give mine a kick start as it's fallen behind from the Ranked balls up last week.

Mine need a hand or 3 to get it going, so if you're not on OcUK, then pop along to mine for 5 mins chaps :D

Jumping on and idling now :)

What is the server IP?


Got it : 7777


Sorry, PB kicks for idle :(
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