Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

Just cancelled my steam special edition and used your link with the 20% code to get the standard edition for £16, not sure when this £5 kicks in but hopefully it will work.


Cheers! Much appreciated! £16 is a cracking price fair play. Effectively £11 if the fiver comes through!
Your really confusing me here. All I was saying is that people who were used to the more mainstream FPS's, found the gameplay and general dynamics of RO1 much slower in comparison. And as such found it harder to pick up and get into.

When I mentioned perks I was just listing a couple of things that were different with the game compared to other titles that were around at the same time. Or when they first picked the game up.

Yet many find Arma 2 acceptable? That is my question though, RO2 wont be as slow paced as arma 2 and if people love Arma 2, they may love this as well

Pay attention to the following:

J'ai également demandé à Alan si la bêta semi-privée débuterait bientôt : ils visent la semaine prochaine, mais préfèrent annoncer la date la veille pour éviter que des joueurs ne passent une nuit blanche à attendre pour rien au cas où surviendrait un problème de dernière minute.

Correct me if I'm wrong(because I'm not french, nor do I speak it), but doesn't it pretty much say that they plan on releasing it sometime next week, and will tell people one day in advance in order to prevent people from staying up all night if there are some last minute problems?

From the official forum :-
I read this,

"I also asked Alan if the semi-private beta will start soon: they are next week, but prefer to announce the date the night before to ensure that players do not spend a sleepless night waiting for anything in the event that a problem of last minute."
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