This looks awesome! Pre-ordered for £16.
Where m8 ?
This looks awesome! Pre-ordered for £16.
I don't think it would do any harm to the game if they sped it up a bit, i know theyre going for "realism" but it feels unrealistically slow, its like your characters got an anchor tied to his ass.
Where m8 ?
I don't think it would do any harm to the game if they sped it up a bit, i know theyre going for "realism" but it feels unrealistically slow, its like your characters got an anchor tied to his ass.
Just a heads up, using the code SUNNY-SAVER-20PEC you can get this for £17/20 (standard/deluxe) on greenmangaming (activates on steam).
Thanks for the heads up.
Those who ordered Deluxe, did you get the key straight away?
Would like to get in the Beta you see.
I'd be surprised if the 'beta' is any more than 2 days before release.
Why does it say "Origin" when he opens the laptop?
Pre orders to be refunded and the game available on origin exclusively???
Why does it say "Origin" when he opens the laptop?
According to the tripwire devs the date for the beta hasn't changed since the release date was pushed back. So in theory the beta should arrive sometime before the 30th of August.
Also I doubt there will be beta keys for people who bought the deluxe edition until the beta starts (if there are keys at all, it may just pop up on your steam games list).