I felt it was the most solid shooter for years, so can't wait to give the patch a go when it comes.................
bf3 demo came out at around the same time and i remember playing it and shooting people and you get that crosshair pulse with everyshot, and you can hit them so many times without them going down, that pulse was only thing that made you feel like you were hitting but with little effect, where RO2 feels meaty and deadly and its bullets will kill you in one hit.
But really it comes down to what style you like, run and gun go play cod/bf3 etc want some slower more thoughtful, careful with your life play RO's/arma's.
I do think RO2 should make you feel your soldiers life is more important, when there is risk of dying for some time it makes everyone play differently. People who have played in clans in mohaa/cod obj/s&d will know what I mean. You are much more cautious and I think that makes the game much more intense and enjoyable, much like how DayZ makes you feel.