Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

Been trying to play a game for the past hour with no luck :( Every-time i join a server the game either freezes up so I have ctrl Alt Delete or the players run on a spot and I can't enter the game?

I have tried port forwarding, verified the game files, and downloaded the MasterServer.vdf files still no luck :( any ideas?

Thomson router?

Ive always had trouble with mine, even the MasterServer.vdf trick only worked temporarily. ******* annoying that Steam still haven't sorted this problem properly :mad:
Thomson router?

Ive always had trouble with mine, even the MasterServer.vdf trick only worked temporarily. ******* annoying that Steam still haven't sorted this problem properly :mad:

Yes the God Forsaken Thomson rotuer :mad: they game worked find for me before the patch thow 2 hours of trying to fix this **** and still no luck :mad:

Does anyone else game freeze at the menu for 10- 20 seconds when you first load the game?
oh bloody hell they still havn't fixed the server issue that i used to have, even though i have changed routers since then and tried every other fix going :(

*edit the issue i have is no actual servers show up, thats with filters reset filters applied every combination nothing will show.

Although i left it on the server screen before and went away for 5 minutes when i got back the servers appeared so i actually got in a game.

I had that earlier - disabling punkbuster then enabling it again seemed to help.

I'm still only 75% downloaded, but there seems to be nothing but praise and jubilation on the HoS forums. Really looking forward to giving this a try :)
If you're getting the time out after a few minutes into the game do this:

We didn't catch this bug because we didn't have a ton of servers up like we have today.

We are working on a fix, it will go live asap.

In the meantime open the console (`) and type "suppress steaminfo".

That should fix the problem until we update the game.

They've fixed RO2!!

Just spent an hour playing classic mode. The game is greatly improved. No more poor performance. HUD looks much more polished. Most bugs are gone, hitreg is pretty much perfect. No more bots, there's about 4000 players online right now. It's the game it should have been on release.

If you aren't sure, seriously, go and give it a try. They've really turned this around, if they can keep hold of the players then it should really take off, but it's looking great so far.

I'm so happy. My favourite game is back :)
True that. If only they released it like it is now

BTW if you have that Thompson router problem, you may fix it with this:

Theres no way it should take a 12 min video to explain though, you can skip through a lot of it. That fixed similar issues for me before but may not apply to you or this game. Used to get disconnected/ browser issues in all sorts of games until I tweaked with that. My current version of windows doesn't need it tho I think
Tired this but I get "Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect Failed" when I enter the telnet :mad: and now the game crashed on me constantly

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CrashRpt version="1300"> <CrashGUID>00f45a36-965d-42b5-b872-1f1b9b1b0030</CrashGUID> <AppName>RedOrchestra2</AppName> <AppVersion></AppVersion> <ImageName>C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Red Orchestra 2\binaries\win32\rogame.exe</ImageName> <OperatingSystem>Windows 7 Home Premium Build 7601</OperatingSystem> <OSIs64Bit>1</OSIs64Bit> <GeoLocation>en-gb</GeoLocation> <SystemTimeUTC>2012-05-25T18:33:09Z</SystemTimeUTC> <ExceptionType>4</ExceptionType> <GUIResourceCount>27</GUIResourceCount> <OpenHandleCount>1872</OpenHandleCount> <MemoryUsageKbytes>675100</MemoryUsageKbytes> -<CustomProps> <Prop value="Intel" name="CPU Manufacturer"/> <Prop value="INTEL Pentium-III" name="CPU Name"/> <Prop value="NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460" name="GPU"/> <Prop value="1" name="Hyperthreaded"/> <Prop value="8" name="NumLogicalProcessors"/> <Prop value="8" name="NumPhysicalProcessors"/> <Prop value="Windows 7" name="OS"/> <Prop value="64 bit" name="OS Architecture"/> <Prop value="12268 MB" name="PageFile"/> <Prop value="6135 MB" name="Physical Mem"/> <Prop value="6.00 GB" name="RAM"/> <Prop value="1024 MB" name="VRAM"/> <Prop value="" name="Video Driver Version"/> <Prop value="4095 MB" name="Virtual Mem"/> </CustomProps> -<FileList> <FileItem name="Launch.log" error="The handle is invalid." description="Log File"/> <FileItem name="crashrpt.xml" description="Crash Description XML"/> <FileItem name="unreal-v7258-2012.05.25-19.31.26.dmp" error="The handle is invalid." description="Unreal DMP file"/> </FileList> </CrashRpt>
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Scroll down a bit and see the dev comment

We didn't catch this bug because we didn't have a ton of servers up like we have today.

We are working on a fix, it will go live asap.

In the meantime open the console (`) and type "suppress steaminfo".

That should fix the problem until we update the game.

Is that relevant to your issue?

Edit..they say they fixed that..
Well it turns out that if you pause/quit steam while RO2 is downloading it will not save the downloaded part.

I downloaded 4gigs then quite steam and when I re-started the download I started again on 0/9.8gigs


Edit: hang on..did it? What is the clean install size of RO2? I am pretty sure i downloaded 4gigs so far and right now looking at download window im on 40mb/ 8.3gig
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Quite pleased with it. Only thing that will take some adjusting to is the lack of a map to clearly show you which areas need attacking/defending. You have to keep pressing T to point you in the general direction. In the games I played the only map which appeared to progress as normal was Spartanovka, though that is probably because it is the most linear. The other maps where a bit of a mish mash of people going for territories or hanging back or flanking round, territories rarely seemed to change hands.
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