Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

Same here, though I doubt my computer will be able to run it properly, I still hope I can get some fun out of it on lowest settings with my specs.

Remember the game is using the Unreal 3 engine so unless your pc is a very poor spec you'll be fine.

Full specs here.

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Dual Core 2.3 GHz or better
Graphics card: 256 MB SM 3.0 DX9 Compliant NVIDIA® GeForce 7800 GTX or better ATI® Radeon® HD 2900 GT or better
Sound: Windows Supported Sound Card
DirectX: DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 8 GB free hard drive space

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Quad Core 2.6 GHz or better
Graphics card: 512 MB SM 3.0 DX9 Compliant NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 260 or better ATI® Radeon® HD 5750 or better
Sound: Sound Blaster Audigy or better
DirectX: DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 8 GB free hard drive space
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Never really clicked with the original, but that was because of the age of the game, and that I stupidly gave it half an hour of my time. So I'm quite tempted to order the deluxe version of this one, I need a deep shooter to counter the others I play!
If any1 is picking up the delux version and doesnt have the first game just get it on amazon for 3bucks and then u get 20% off on steam, so u get the first game free. If my calculations are correct. which they probably arent but hey.
Got the Deluxe. My first pre-order for a game ever and the most expensive too probably.

Will be worth it though, even though I'm heading back to Uni late Sept. without my PC :(.

P.s. I've got one of those Russian badges in real life. :D
Can't wait to put some serious hours into this game.

Been looking into this for ages but can't find an up to date game mode list, what have we got coming. What were the main clan modes for RO1?
Just created a steam group fellas to get the ball rolling, send me a pm or a message through steam (Username: Sylv) for officer rights.


An error was encountered while processing your request:

No group could be retrieved for the given URL.

Here's a link to the Steam Community home page.

Pre ordered the Deluxe version too, hope it will be good. :)
Pardon my ignorance with this game but does this game compare with the old Call of Duty games in terms of gameplay? Big fan of the old COD, COD UO games before the series turned into the spawn of satan.
Pardon my ignorance with this game but does this game compare with the old Call of Duty games in terms of gameplay? Big fan of the old COD, COD UO games before the series turned into the spawn of satan.

The first was quite a hardcore tactical shooter, but fairley fast paced. This game requires teamwork to win, you simply can't win without it.
Tripwire claimed to have made this more "accessible" for those who couldn't really get into the first game, but to be honest the first was epic and I loved the CoD series up until it died in 2007. :D
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