Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm - Debut Trailer

Some good maps played tonight and some good games too. First time I've played the European side of the game tonight. That Mp44 or whatever it is is an awesome gun!
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Couldn't make it on last night unfortunately, still got a lot to learn about the mechanics of this game but going to try and put some solid time into it this week!
MKB German Assault rifle is basically a BOSS! Stunning gun and just ridiculously powerful.

Has a clip large enough to wipe out a squad at a time! Really good gun. Kicks a fair bit but fired in single shot mode was great for distance and from the hip at close quarters. Had some good stand off matches against you, Aitor and Hodor last night.
If it arrived earlier in the war it might have had a more significant impact on the outcome, curiously the Allied commanders were critical of the weapon, probably just to deflect from how good an all-round weapon it was!

Yes, like many German weapons, too little and too late, and in some cases (ME 262) misused.

I love Operation Barbarossa, and i'm gonna give this game a go when I can find it cheap.
Are bots compulsory on servers now? I went on the MBS server last night and I'm sorry to say I would rather it be 7v7 or whatever, rather than 7+25v7+25. Especially now that the bots are now not all called Ivan or Fritz. The semi-hidden bot names mixed in with real player names puts me off to be honest. I like to be able to glance at the score sheet and quickly see how all the human players are doing, but with the non Ivan/Fritz name this is hard to do. But like I said, I'd rather there were no bots at all tbh. Do servers fill up faster with or without bots in place?
How active is this? And how many of you guys are on each night? It'd be cool to play it but don't want another dead multiplayer game in my Steam library!
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