Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm - Debut Trailer

How active is this? And how many of you guys are on each night? It'd be cool to play it but don't want another dead multiplayer game in my Steam library!

Quite active, no problems finding a server though in my experience when it gets quite late you'll want to look for an American server as the British/Euro ones tend to be filled with bots after around 00:00. Not sure how active the MBS/OcUK server is as I don't tend to play there much anymore, they seem to start running out of players around 22:00 on weekdays but on weekends it tends to be active until the early hours. Like I said though it's easy to go and find another server if there aren't many/any humans on the OcUK one. :)
Quite active, no problems finding a server though in my experience when it gets quite late you'll want to look for an American server as the British/Euro ones tend to be filled with bots after around 00:00. Not sure how active the MBS/OcUK server is as I don't tend to play there much anymore, they seem to start running out of players around 22:00 on weekdays but on weekends it tends to be active until the early hours. Like I said though it's easy to go and find another server if there aren't many/any humans on the OcUK one. :)

Cool cool. Messaged a few of my friends to see if they want to get a 4 pack on Steam but I'll probably download it over tomorrow night regardless, be it from a 4 pack or from buying it for myself.

Not sure how I feel about the bots being in the game... I mean sure it means that a game doesn't break down when the player count drops, but if bots filling a server are a regular occurrence a month after release then is that not a bad sign?
Cool cool. Messaged a few of my friends to see if they want to get a 4 pack on Steam but I'll probably download it over tomorrow night regardless, be it from a 4 pack or from buying it for myself.

Not sure how I feel about the bots being in the game... I mean sure it means that a game doesn't break down when the player count drops, but if bots filling a server are a regular occurrence a month after release then is that not a bad sign?

Nah it's not really a bad sign, personally I can't stand playing with bots but they are only usually filling servers when most of the people in that region are asleep. It's one of those games which has a very loyal fanbase who are dedicated to playing it, it'll never have the popularity of CoD or BF because of how inaccessible to newcomers it is in comparison to those games. There are still plenty of servers just running RO2 as well, and that game is what, half a decade old now and was always a bit of a cult game to begin with.

You won't have any problem finding a game online with humans though, but at certain times you'll need to enter a North American server instead of a European one, haven't noticed much difference in connection quality between US and European servers either which is nice.
Alright guys, hoping to run a night of custom maps tomorrow at 6:30pm GMT.

Already got a bunch of the MBS guys that will be playing and I will advertise a little on the tripwire forums. Some very cool custom maps which I have been testing with Melbo and Q5 tonight.

Ok so onto the map list:


If you don't wish to wait in game, then download links are available by clicking above.

Manually Installing Maps
If you want to add maps manually, download the map from the forums and add the map to your 'Maps' folder and if there was a extra prop.udk file add it to 'Custom' folder.
Your custom maps are normally located on your computer like this:
C:\Users\User xxx\Documents\My Games\RedOrchestra2\ROGame\Published\CookedPC
(Replace 'user xxx' with your windows user name.

If you don't want to go through that hassle, then you can automatically download the map from our server via the map redirect. Just sit back and wait about 90 secs for the map to fully download :)
More changes! Gone back to Campaign mode with some changes:

Starting power is now 250, up from 200.
Tanks have been added to, CommisarsHouse, RedOctober Factory and Rakovice

I personally find CommisarsHouse an awful map for the attackers. With a meat grinder effect when attacking A and B in particular. I also feel there isn't long enough to fully attack the map.

Adding the tanks back in might make this a little more even.

At the bottom of the list I have two custom maps added:


Both fantastic maps but I realise not everyone has a super fast connection, so added to the voting choice is RSTE-Iwojima and RSTE-Saipan as an alternative choice to the custom maps when voting.

Little grey area considering the campaign is supposed to be Stalingrad but I will see how this plays out over a couple of days.

Full territory list:

Game is on a free weekend for anyone on the fence.

Played a few rounds of this earlier and I love it all over again. It's so raw, no perks or kill streaks, just you and your bolt action :D
So I see this is up for a free weekend, downloaded and ready to play. However, there don't appear to be any servers available to join, it also says there are only 75 people online.

Is this game dead ?
So I see this is up for a free weekend, downloaded and ready to play. However, there don't appear to be any servers available to join, it also says there are only 75 people online.

Is this game dead ?

You'll have to build up your level a bit to unlock other servers IIRC
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