Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45

VaderDSL said:
Anyone played as the MG42? Am I doing anything wrong? As I use short 1-2 second burts, but my god!! I am out of ammo almost straight away, you only get 200 rounds with it, which is a bit odd, is there anyway to resupply them? or do you actually have to trudge back to a resupply point? If so that is a bit stupid really.

It's an Mg34, which only had a 50 round drum I believe. Your fellow soldiers can resupply you by dropping ammo... best to find a server where peeps know what they are doing for this to happen though!
Rojin said:
It's an Mg34, which only had a 50 round drum I believe. Your fellow soldiers can resupply you by dropping ammo... best to find a server where peeps know what they are doing for this to happen though!

Nah I'm using the belt fed MG42, ahh I'll try and find out the key press for dropping ammo, makes more sense - like in Day of Defeat.

Cheers :)
VaderDSL said:
Nah I'm using the belt fed MG42, ahh I'll try and find out the key press for dropping ammo, makes more sense - like in Day of Defeat.

Cheers :)

Doh! You know I have never noticed you could select the 42! /me shakes head in shame...

Just had a quick blast, you deffo need backup and resupply with that 'un! They did chuck out a thousand or so rounds a minute though... :o
Rojin said:
Doh! You know I have never noticed you could select the 42! /me shakes head in shame...

Just had a quick blast, you deffo need backup and resupply with that 'un! They did chuck out a thousand or so rounds a minute though... :o

Indeed!!! they fire stupidly quick :D when I first tried it, held down for five seconds and had no ammo left lol
Nice pics, love the Russian semi auto rifle.

Got my hands on the sniper rifle today for a round or two, not to impressed but its still decent. Fav gun so far is the semiauto rifles or the german mp90 I think its called, its in the first pic you posted, On a map which was like an open field with some bunkers on it we were all rushing towards each other for the initial land grab and I saw two guys over a small hill running my way, just shouldered the gun and sprayed a line and took both there heads off :)

Loving this game now, dont know why its just fun! tank maps rule.
ooooh love this game :-)
dont care if the graphics arent supershiney, it still looks good to me!
i prefer the slow pace of this compared to dod and bf2,its really nerve racking to know that one shot can take you out and all you see is a speck on the horizon from your enemies head/gun barrel :eek:
thundy i had that error aswell.had to ctrl+alt+del and close the redorchestra.exe down then restart steam etc,worked for me then(you prob' know this by now though?)
imo this games well recommended.
happy hunting,
only problem I have with it is a longish loading times and that way it takes awhile to close after the the screen is abck on windows( usually when I close a steam game I will exit steam as well but it doesnt let me as it says redorchestra.exe is till running).

other then that I would compair it to a slower version of bf1942 without as many vehicles.

The mounted MGs rule on that map where the germans start in a aircraft hanger and have to defend it from the open snow covered vally, short bursts against an infantry rush :P Fantastic fun.
Nieldo said:
I would compair it to a slower version of bf1942 without as many vehicles.

I think I would compare it to a WW2 version of Operation Flashpoint without the aircraft. I think it's more 'mature' than BF1942. I put '42 in the same leauge as CoD/DoD...

Still getting to grips with this but really enjoying it. I only found out today that you can throw you nades further by holding down primary fire and that you can cook the russian nades with alternate :o I seem to blow myself up with the potato masher if I try and throw it too far though...

My biggest problem at the moment is my Wireless internet connection and my house mate who is constantly downloading.

-Tauren- said:
Takes about 10 seconds to load a map for me?

Well what's the secret? I'm in the 2/3 mins camp! This game certainly has more than its fair share of "features"! Acceptable when it's a mod but not when its a product.

still, it's quite fun although I haven't yet had time to get into it much.
Panzerbjorn said:
Still getting to grips with this but really enjoying it. I only found out today that you can throw you nades further by holding down primary fire and that you can cook the russian nades with alternate :o I seem to blow myself up with the potato masher if I try and throw it too far though...

Lol, I did that once, me and two others were assaulting a house, they were at the front door and I came up behind them while holding my nade, by the time I got to the door ready to throw the nade it blew me and my comrades up :(

SGT44 gun rules, so much fun when you just spray at someone without bringing up the sights. Looks brutal.
Yeah the MP44 is awesome, i love it.

This game can be so satisfying though. Me and my mate went on this like 10 min outing on one of the larger snow maps, sneaking around tanks with our rifles. I took out 2 tanks and got one of the most satisfying shots i have to date. Leading the guy with my semi auto rifle who was miles away, shooting just ahead of him and seeing him flop down into a trench. awesome.

Also when me and my mate where running down this hill, he was about 10 ft in front of me, and this tank shell hits him dead on. He just exploded with blood everywhere. looked awesome.

Its so much fun on teamspeak too. We were in this trench doing some sniping on the same big snowy map. He says to me, tank over there, i think he is looking at us. So i pop my head up and say "no he wont see us from there" as i finish saying that, this tank shell comes flying at us, literraly skims my head i swear. and those who have played it know what the tank shells look/sound like when they fly past you.

really enjoying RO atm
ScarySquirrel said:
and those who have played it know what the tank shells look/sound like when they fly past you.
Woo yeah, damn the sound effects are amazing, best Ive heard in a game. But alas, non of my mates play it so I dont have anyone to teamwith, even so theres still quite a lot of teamwork ingame with strangers anyway.

Just type, someone come and cross this bridge with me, someone will usually just say "Yes Sir" and turn up to help you push forwards :P Great game.
Does anyone have an IP addresses to good UK servers? I can't connect through Red Orchestra or Steam due to the University Network being rubbish.

I have to use HLSW or Xfire to connect :) And playing with Bots is very boring.
mutters said:
Well what's the secret? I'm in the 2/3 mins camp! This game certainly has more than its fair share of "features"! Acceptable when it's a mod but not when its a product.

still, it's quite fun although I haven't yet had time to get into it much.

RAM. Takes about 10 secs for me too but I have 2Gb.
Mason64 said:
any pics could you please post thinking of buying this game! and is it better than dod cus i play dod source loads!

There are a load of pics in the thread already. Although to be honest as has already been said, if you like playing DoD:S it's most likely RO will not be your cup of tea. DoD:S is fast dm action, where as RO is a slower more tactical sort of affair.
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