Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45

afraser2k said:
I'm not sure about getting this. With so many WWII-based alternatives out there it might not be worth it for me. Could be a lot more popular than DoD:S though.

This is nothing like current WW2 games !

Also it is not a slow game, it's just more realistic, there is plenty of action and immersion.

Where other WW2 games try to make you feel like you're in Saving Private Ryan, this is trying to make you feel like you're in a war!
Yes this is a one shot kill game. If you take a round to the torso and head you will die, currently the mod has a damage system that wounds you for shots in arm and legs, so 2 shots in arm/legs = kill. This wounding system may change for the retail version.

This is not a DODS style game the only similarity between the 2 is they are based on ww2. RO requires a bit more thought than run and gun which doesnt appeal to every1.
Also I find the maps on DODS a bit small RO's are much larger which lends itsself to flanking etc.

I'm not knocking DODS its fun for the arcade/run & gun type of play.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that both mod and retail game have bot support. Mod bots are basic and not very bright, not sure what AI improvements the bots have in retail but they can now drive vehicles, throw nades etc. They are usefull for offline/practice play.
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I'm torn as to whether or not to get this.
at the moment I am really enjoying DOD:S and COD2 MP but I have my issues with both. My biggest problem is my wireless net connection while I'm at uni. I've had a week off this week so I've been making the most of my wired connection at home. It's not unplayable wirelessly but I do get a heavy bit of loss every 5 mins or so, usually just when I'm getting into a firefight.
I've been looking for a new game for a while now but nothing has really grabbed me since COD2. I might have to live with playing against bots for a while.
Anyone know if there will be a demo of this?


Panzerbjorn said:
Yeah I'm all preloaded now, just waiting for the release!



Aren't we all ! :D

I can't wait to hear the RO MachineGuns again, the best sound that has ever come out of my pc !
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