Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45

ive gone and done it i watched the vid and ive gone and bought it im preloading now at 160KB/s im currently at 1% :D
So what happens when the preload is finished does it mean when its actually released we can play it straight away.

EDIT: will me playing steam game css,dods etc effect the dl speed of my preload.
bakes0310 said:
ive gone and done it i watched the vid and ive gone and bought it im preloading now at 160KB/s im currently at 1% :D
So what happens when the preload is finished does it mean when its actually released we can play it straight away.

EDIT: will me playing steam game css,dods etc effect the dl speed of my preload.

Like other Steam games once it's released another (small) update will be sent out to unlock it, in the same way HL2 was done.
bakes0310 said:
just browsing the official site and i noticed the maps only support 32 players :eek:
Thats quite small compared to other games like 64players

maybe but when you play the likes of COD2 on a 64player server is just madness....

i tend to play the likes of BF2 on avoid such madness :)
TheDome said:
maybe but when you play the likes of COD2 on a 64player server is just madness....

There can only be 2 or 3 maps that will support that number of players in CoD2!
Talk about kill zone.
Bad enough playing 8 vs 8 on some of the maps.

i tend to play the likes of BF2 on avoid such madness :)

Thats about the right number for BF2.
Still the odd 64 player map is fun.

Was suprised how quick RO pre-loaded last night, was done in about 2 hours or less.

im currently on 61% and im very excited. We will be able to play tonight at 7:00pm i wonder if there will be many uk servers if any of you lot find a good one post it on here then i think all us ocuk lot should make it are regular server.
Cant wait for this. I've got a Dive Club meet tonight and i wont be back till midnight or so... debating whether I should start playing when I get back and have a tired head for uni tomorrow or wait until i get home on wednesday and only fit in an hour or so before I go out again...

decisions decisions

Panzerbjorn said:
Cant wait for this. I've got a Dive Club meet tonight and i wont be back till midnight or so... debating whether I should start playing when I get back and have a tired head for uni tomorrow or wait until i get home on wednesday and only fit in an hour or so before I go out again...

decisions decisions


Don't go to dive club? :D
Panzerbjorn said:
Thats really not an option hehe. It's too much fun. Plus I think some human interaction is good once in a while :p


Agreed, lol. Socialising is on the same level for me as playing games although i tend to socialise more. I've never been diving and i live on an island >.>
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