Red Sea / Houthi rebels situation

3 Oct 2007
London, UK
The support, or even psuedo support of radical islamic groups by the far left is one of the most perplexing things about their ideology. Radical/Orthodox Islam pushes laws and values that are the complete antithesis of everything the left stands for.

I understand that innocent civilians being caught in the crossfire of all this is deeply sad, but these people (Hamas, Houthis etc), are objectively horrendous people with awful ideologies. I have no doubt that they would murder us all in the west if they had the capability to do so with no recourse. This means that whilst these conflicts are horrible, they are necessary.

It is very strange. People claiming to be liberal supporting the most illiberal of people.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
The support, or even psuedo support of radical islamic groups by the far left is one of the most perplexing things about their ideology. Radical/Orthodox Islam pushes laws and values that are the complete antithesis of everything the left stands for.

I understand that innocent civilians being caught in the crossfire of all this is deeply sad, but these people (Hamas, Houthis etc), are objectively horrendous people with awful ideologies. I have no doubt that they would murder us all in the west if they had the capability to do so with no recourse. This means that whilst these conflicts are horrible, they are necessary.

This situation has exposed the extremes on both sides - many of which are ugly, obnoxious people, where on the left they like to hide behind the bastion of the moral high ground and wring their hands about causes, etc. but in reality neither are interested in a fairer, better balanced society or the furtherment of humanity. Hence with this situation you see so many coming around to the point where they are essentially in the same bed with the Nazis... (which is deeply ironic on both counts).

Even so it is impossible really with this situation to have a balanced position which does justice to those who are innocent on both sides while keeping sight of those who support and/or carry out atrocities or other deplorable acts.
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31 Jan 2012
Droitwich, UK
Yes and everytime the people from the outgoing "populous" were unhappy about it too.. I really hate that way of thinking, it happens all the time so deal with it. People do deal with it.

interesting choice of words and very true lol. Except the british isles hasn't been invaded since what 1066? lol rough guess my history isn't on point...

The Battle of Fishguard


The Battle of Fishguard was a military invasion of Great Britain by Revolutionary France during the War of the First Coalition. The brief campaign, on 22–24 February 1797, is the most recent landing on British soil by a hostile foreign force, and thus is often referred to as the "last invasion of mainland Britain".

lol i didnt even know that happened. Thats fascinating :p

That is indeed fascinating, the first I've heard of it!
28 May 2010
Pakistan is a nuclear power.

Funny how the MAGAS keep going on about Trump not getting involved in any foreign wars, but this whole Middle East instability - Gaza, Israel, Iran, Yemen, Syria and now Pakistan has been caused by Trump's extrajudicial killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in 2020. Trump only had him killed because he was jealous that Obama had taken out Bin Laden.
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12 Jul 2007
Funny how the MAGAS keep going on about Trump not getting involved in any foreign wars, but this whole Middle East instability - Gaza, Israel, Iran, Yemen, Syria and now Pakistan has been caused by Trump's extrajudicial killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in 2020. Trump only had him killed because he was jealous that Obama had taken out Bin Laden.

I 100% think you actually believe everything you've just posted and thats just sad and shows an utter lack of knowledge of the Middle East, history, inter-religion tensions and, quite frankly, a whopping dose of Trump Derangement Syndrome, where every single thing ever thats negative MUST be Trumps fault.

God I'd hate to so focused on hating one single thing that everything else is invisible to you, but I suppose its 2024 and thats where we are now with people's mental illnesses. I mean who knew that when Trump was 1 year old he started the Israel vs Palestinian war, or that in the same year he caused Pakistan (Sunni) to be split from India fomenting decades of strife against Iran (Shia) or that when he was 10 he got the CIA/MI6 to replace Iran's democratically elected leader with a Shah who ended up being a dictator, leading to the Islamic Revolution to displace him, or that in 2011 when he was on TV on Fox he was secretly causing a civil war in Syria etc - Wow, I just never knew Trump was so involved!!!!!!!!
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Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
So if I have this right...

Iran is supplying the Houthis, who are attacking ships from multiple nations.

The US and UK have attacked the Houthis in retaliation.

Iran has attacked Pakistan.

Iran has attacked Iraq.

Pakistan has attacked Iran in retaliation.
21 Jan 2010
It's getting more and more complicated, with an increasing number of countries in asia involved.

This has the potential for further escalation.

2024 is looking like no fun already.
18 Mar 2008
Well it's making the US look dumb with it's pretentious attempt to keep it localised which is probably the whole point in Tehran's eye's as US elections approach.
12 May 2014
I wasn’t aware of the deceleration by the major shipping companies to divert round Africa. Egypt must be fuming about this. I think bombing runs of the Houthi by America and the UK is inevitable due to the economic damage it is causing.

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