Red, Yellow, Green, Brown, Blue, Pink and Black. It's the General Snooker Thread!

Curious about the cost of the table. Looks like they're using Strachan cloth and I think Xing Pai Star heated tables. I'm guessing cloth about £900 - £1000 and table about £15,000 - £20,000?
Having cameras in the player dressing room is quite bizarre IMO!!

Curious about the cost of the table. Looks like they're using Strachan cloth and I think Xing Pai Star heated tables. I'm guessing cloth about £900 - £1000 and table about £15,000 - £20,000?

Yeah, that's about the ball park. I can't find a current price for the table, only ABC Snooker seem to come up on a search and that's 'call for a price' but from memory they've always been about the price you suggest.

Anyone else think 35 frames is too many?

Yeah, definitely. I think it should be best of 19 throughout. I guess people would say the longer the format then you can have different variations in performance over the sessions but I think as long as there are two sessions then that's enough.
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Nice. How much did that cost?

Too **** much... :(

£463.60 all in for 2 of us, went for the slightly better standard seat, going to be the other half's birthday present for this year, so in that respect it's "ok", but still silly money. Would love to have taken her to the final, but that would have been closer to £700, with the chance there's only a couple of frames in the last session!
Yeah, that's about the ball park. I can't find a current price for the table, only ABC Snooker seem to come up on a search and that's 'call for a price' but from memory they've always been about the price you suggest.
Yep, I had found the same thing, call for price. I only found prices for Riley tables which are apparently world class and they're around £15k. Don't know if they're heated though.

Too **** much... :(

£463.60 all in for 2 of us, went for the slightly better standard seat, going to be the other half's birthday present for this year, so in that respect it's "ok", but still silly money. Would love to have taken her to the final, but that would have been closer to £700, with the chance there's only a couple of frames in the last session!
Blimey yeah, that's a lot of dosh! I'm sure you'll both have a great time though.
Jak looks like he’s fighting off sleep. Very heavy eyes and if the Crucible is warm it’ll be even harder to stay awake.
Jones is getting thoroughly pumped currently. Really needs to do something during the interval to get going.
I like Sport but I tried to give watching Snooker a go but it's just so slow and boring... They need to do a cricket and sack off this long winded format in favour of a bit of speed snooker or something with only 7 frames or so.. Watching a single match take 2 days is ridiculous

This is the world championship and it is well known as a real long slog to win, all the matches including the 4 qualifying matches are all first to 10 and only get longer as you progress.

What you should watch is the Snooker Shoot Out, you have to win 1 frame each match and there is a count down timer of 10 minutes for a match if i remember.

Plus the crowd are allowed to get much more involved and its a far more relaxed event.

But it only happens once a year sadly.

Also many matches in Snooker are best of 7 or 9, the big tournaments have longer matches and you have gone straight into very long matches.
And they shouldn't keep playing once the frame is won, we don't need to see someone get a century, it's boring, stop rewarding it.

And all this faffing with the rest is boring and slow, take that away.

And this game is called snooker, so why is a black worth more points? Game should be called black.

And stop them faffing about with chalk between shots, do it in your chair on your own time.
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And they shouldn't keep playing once the frame is won, we don't need to see someone get a century, it's boring, stop rewarding it.

And all this faffing with the rest is boring and slow, take that away.

And this game is called snooker, so why is a black worth more points? Game should be called black.

And stop them faffing about with chalk between shots, do it in your chair on your own time.
Did you not have your Weetabix this morning?
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