Red, Yellow, Green, Brown, Blue, Pink and Black. It's the General Snooker Thread!

Wahey, managed to get both semi final sessions on 1st May :D

Final was sold out within seconds, the ones I got a minute or 2 later!

I got tickets for a couple of sessions the second weekend; really looking forward to my first visit!

Anyone else think 35 frames is too many?

No! Its the World Champs; could be even more as far as I'm concerned
Them long shots, he never ever got
Why? The old mind boggles
Now Kyren comes along and pots the lot
Perhaps he needs Taylor's goggles
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What a come back though, regardless of the mistakes. Really composed.

Sets it up really nicely for tomorrow, hopefully he sees this out 10-7 and Kyrens gonna have a rough night.
Back to the F1.

That’s the first time I can recall where the commentators are saying he should do X or Y and the player does A and it happened 3 or 4 times there.

They fluked it going safe two or three times. That frame is a huge frame and may, just may be the end of his charge. Should be 10-7
So nearly had a proper final on our hands for tomorrow. Jack needs a good night's sleep and an afternoon session win, to prevent an early evening finish.
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