Reddit is dying

Yea the new UI is ****. I liked the new.reddit UI. I don't mind old.reddit, but I liked card view, dark mode in new. was nice, and clicking titles in old. opens the link and not the thread so hitting comments on a browser on my phone was a PITA.

Thankfully, I've ublocked the sidebars, turned on compact mode so it fills more the the screen and blocked the extra stuff at the end of each thread. Only thing that left is that dark mode is a stupid green colour. It'll probably still be a PITA on my tablet, where it's big enough to have the right sidebar so flicking up/down the page i'll need to avoid that new scrollable area.
Reddit is dead to me. I've never been back after the third party app API thing.

I felt like that at the time. However, as mentioned above - Reddit can be amazing if you're in the right subs. Me not going on there makes literally zero difference to them - the CEO was right after all, people will use the service still after that initial outcry and meltdowns. Life carries on.
Reddit is dead to me. I've never been back after the third party app API thing.
I stopped using it for a while at that point due to not wanting to pay for a subscription on a third party app which I'd already bought, and not wanting to use the official app.

But what I found was I was then using facebook and instagram more. And I realised those two platforms are much worse for numbing your brain and reading a load of cobblers written by idiots, than reddit where you can be much more selective about the content you see. I only ever browse subs I am subscribed to - yes you occasionally get suggested subs but these feel easy to ignore, and occasionally might actually turn up something that's interesting and worth reading.

Commenting on facebook is atrocious, it's basically the new youtube comments. And full of bots, spam and nonsense posting. Instagram isn't as bad and is generally more light hearted, but in general not worth reading.

Honestly reddit gets lots of flak, but if you curate your subs and know how to 'navigate' the comments (i.e. identify the wind up merchants and ignore them) then I think it is one of the better places to browse for interests online, and you can have a decent discussion too now and then.
I don't care, I won't have anything to do with an organisation who did what they did. I dumped Twitter when he killed off third party app access as well and haven't been back.

I've never used Instagram and I closed my Facebook account years ago.
The Reddit boycotting is a seriously weak boycott, so props for sticking at it. People going back to it after boycotting just shows Reddit how much power they have, so it has worked out better for Reddit in the long run.

I generally only use it for searching small/snippet info that internet searches can no longer provide. Or asking the odd question that say here probably have little experience with. Compared to a forum, the UI of Reddit has always been sub par, it's just a slightly more organised time waster sadly, one that got lucky enough to hold a wealth of information.
I preferred Reddit when the UI looked exactly like this. To get back to this version. Open Then Open Notifications in the upper right corner, then press Messages, then the Reddit logo top left. I wonder how long before Reddit destroy the hidden access to that way of getting it back.

I preferred Reddit when the UI looked exactly like this. To get back to this version. Open Then Open Notifications in the upper right corner, then press Messages, then the Reddit logo top left. I wonder how long before Reddit destroy the hidden access to that way of getting it back.

Too white! On an OLED monitor this burns my eyes.
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Too white! On an OLED monitor this burns my eyes.
Ahh, luckily I'm a peasant with a VA panel, still using a NEC 24WMGX3 24" from 2009, surprised its lasted this long, even though its a Japanese company, still made in China. :)
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