Relationships and Gaming

I been married just over 6yrs to the missus, shes from the Caribbean though and never grew up around computers, so finds it hard to understand how i am interested in gaming and pcs and whatnot as she has zero interest in them.

Once the kids are in bed after 7pm, she studies (doing an OU Law Degree) so im left to my own devices, which is good, generally i go up to be around 9:30pm or so and we will talk for a bit, if im tired i'll just nod off, but if its a friday or saturday and im awake i'll go and game til around midnight.

Dont game during the day at weekends cos i got the kids to keep me busy. Overall it works quite well, when she isnt studying though i often get comments or dirty looks if i spend too long sat infront of my PC haha, i just sidle up to her for an hour or so and then that seems to make her happy enough to let me get back to gaming :)
Always gamed so wife was well aware of what she was getting into, we have definitely had a few tiffs over my gaming over the 14 years we have been together. I mainly game now from 9pm - 1am and generally never at the weekends until that time also, mainly due to the kids more than the wife.

If you want to nip the whole watch tv with me, make her watch a load of episodes of what you want to watch be that firefly or SG1, trust me after I forced her to watch a load of SG1 and she saw how many series they had done she was all to happy to pack me off to my man cave :)

Managed to get the other half into SG1/Atlantis. She even wants to watch it all again.

As far as gaming goes I tend to game on a Saturday or Sunday depending on what our plans are. During the week is for tv watching/movies except Thursdays which is games night at the local GW store.

Should point out I do also retire to the mancave when she has her girls over for drinks every do often.
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My wife is generally fine with it, she appreciates that gaming is my main hobby and is OK with me going to the office when she's watching some nonsense on TV, or in the late evening after she's gone to bed ("tap taps" as she calls it, after the keyboard noise, yes that's tap taps with a t, not an f....) - similar to Dazza, most gaming is 21:00-01:00. She will also buy me games as presents if I ask for them, and knows that if I'm home alone there is a good chance I will spend most of my time gaming.

Only issues really tend to be:
-When we are both at home, if I spend more than a couple of hours during the day on the PC, although since my son was born I don't do this much anyway
-If I come to bed after about 1am, again having a baby makes this less frequent
-Using VOIP when she's trying to sleep... haven't done this since I stopped playing team games about a year or so ago
-If I'm at home playing games all day while she's at work (7am-9pm) and haven't done anything around the house i.e. washing up or whatever
-Me spending money on hardware e.g. "what ANOTHER graphics card?!?" but to be fair she doesn't protest too much as she knows she is on very thin ice with the amount of money she spends on tat

As others have mentioned, if I was a bird I think I'd rather my man was sat at home rather than be down the boozer ****ing money up the wall while chatting up some floozy.
None, all of my ex's and my current girlfriend have been pretty cool about it.

My girlfriend at the moment is a geek anyway, so she gets it. But it's still fresh in the relationship and we only see each other on the weekends at the moment due to the distance for work. So because I want to see her, I kurb gaming whilst she is here and snuggle up and watch films instead. Luckily neither of us watch TV, only series and stuff or films :)
My wife is "fine" with it. Fine to her means gets ****ed off and pretends to hide it.

As soon as the eyes start rollin i start cuddlin.
I'm kinda screwed as the GF doesn't watch any of the crap on TV. She doesn't watch TV at all really, which kinda makes it difficult to nip away for an hour or two to game.

I've had BF4 and COD: Ghosts installed since launch but not had any time to check it out properly.

Tried the other night but saying in a very casual and disinterested voice that I might have a 'super quick go' on the PC. She just looked at me and said 'so you don't want to spend time with me instead?'.

Can't slip one past her :(

Luckily she's out tonight so I'll be up till she gets back before diving into the bed before she gets indoors.

Can't believe the things I have to do to keep the peace :rolleyes:
I'm kinda screwed as the GF doesn't watch any of the crap on TV. She doesn't watch TV at all really, which kinda makes it difficult to nip away for an hour or two to game.

I've had BF4 and COD: Ghosts installed since launch but not had any time to check it out properly.

Tried the other night but saying in a very casual and disinterested voice that I might have a 'super quick go' on the PC. She just looked at me and said 'so you don't want to spend time with me instead?'.

Can't slip one past her :(

Luckily she's out tonight so I'll be up till she gets back before diving into the bed before she gets indoors.

Can't believe the things I have to do to keep the peace :rolleyes:

No offence to you mate, but this annoys me. Why can't she do without you for 5 minutes? She is happy to bugger off for the night without you, but the moment you have 'your' thing you get the stink eye and remarks that turn your hobby into you avoiding her?

On that basis alone, I wouldn't be with someone like that :(

Actually, as we speak I'm installing CS: GO. My girlfriend is getting makeup sorted and what have you as we are going out soon. I've gotten dressed and ready. Have a beer in hand and will now play a bit of CS GO...
The wife has known I'm a die-hard gamer since we first met 16 years ago so she knew what she was getting into. My setup is in the lounge so I can still be in close proximity while she watches the only way is downton or whatever dross she wants to watch.
Get on just fine here, really. I game while she watches TV, on the laptop with headphones. Have to move to another room if I'm chatting during, though. When it comes to quiet evenings I'll play on console while she reads or whatever, and she'll join in occasionally.

The biggest test was when I was playing Everquest II religiously (while working in the same place as the OP, in fact :D). I'd come home from work at 2am and game/raid, shouting down headphones etc. until gone 9/10am. She'd get up for work around 6/7 and basically just come in and exist around me... if I was in the middle of a raid, I couldn't communicate. That got things a bit testy.
How do your wifes/husbands, fiancées, partners, lovers, knock offs react to your gaming needs?

I have been with my wife for about 15 years now, from day one, I told her that gaming/computers were a hobby and that was that.

Sure, she tried to "curb" it in some ways but I stood my ground and that was that.

"Come and sit on the sofa and watch this" - Refering to some **** mind numbing reality show or Peckham Housewives or the like.

"Erm, no. It is **** so why would I do that, I will be sat 5ft away on the computer enjoying myself talking to a load of strangers who are infinitely more interesting than you. Love you though".

Also, there was:

Midnight, 1AM, 2AM: (In a angry voice)
"Will you come to bed, I cannot sleep if your not there"
"**** off, I will come to bed when I want" (maybe not those exact words, must respect the fair lady).

After a while, the message was received and I was left to it.

Same, as I type this at i50 right now as I was so desperate to just get away from the incessant nagging about my gaming.

Still. Got a PS4 waiting for me when I get home, and I'll be damned if the missus is going to ruin my one hobby in life.

I've had to downgrade to a laptop and have to use my playstation via either a HDMI in on my laptop or use the HDMI port on my monitor..

As i never get anywhere near the telly as missus watches endless dross every evening.

Four years now, she still tries to get me to sit and watch rubbish, sometimes I sit on the sofa - with my PS Vita, PS4 at home now, so that'll get used a lot more...

Women, always trying to control..
Do you guys staying up until 2am playing games also have to get up early for work?

I just can't anymore.

snap too old for it now cant handle gaming till 2 and up at 4 any longer, damn you Football manager
There is an overwhelming theme from this thread - women watch rubbish TV. Mines the same, always trying to get be to watch TOWIE or that Chelsea lot. I just don't get those programs, are they real or not? They are like soaps but even worse!!! Also Kim alien face kardasian is a fav of hers as is that millionaire matchmaker thing - junk of the highest order!
How do your wifes/husbands, fiancées, partners, lovers, knock offs react to your gaming needs?

I have been with my wife for about 15 years now, from day one, I told her that gaming/computers were a hobby and that was that.

Sure, she tried to "curb" it in some ways but I stood my ground and that was that.

"Come and sit on the sofa and watch this" - Refering to some **** mind numbing reality show or Peckham Housewives or the like.

"Erm, no. It is **** so why would I do that, I will be sat 5ft away on the computer enjoying myself talking to a load of strangers who are infinitely more interesting than you. Love you though".

Also, there was:

Midnight, 1AM, 2AM: (In a angry voice)
"Will you come to bed, I cannot sleep if your not there"
"**** off, I will come to bed when I want" (maybe not those exact words, must respect the fair lady).

After a while, the message was received and I was left to it.

but it took you 15 years I don't have that kind of time to make the wife see the light! Star citizen is on the horizon.

From the wife's perspective: "Wish he would stop being addicted to that computer and pay me full attention" ...
My girlfriend doesn't like it but I've stood my ground. Told her that gaming is one of my primary interests in life and if she doesn't like it she can leave. We're still together 3 1/2 years later so I guess she dealt with it.

She isn't a major gamer and only enjoys the occasional hour or two on Halo. I'm trying really hard to get her to play minecraft with me but she just won't budge. I have a spare comp she could use and I just think we would have lots of fun but she won't give it a go.
My wife excepts that I game and does not have an issue with it. Most nights I get to bed about midnight and may have a moan the next day if I have been up till 2am but that rarely happens. I have my man cave it's just a small room with my pc, XB1, server and a spare PC for my boy when he ready for it. Oh and of course the 43inch Samsung tv for the XB1 and steam big picture.
My GF actually encourages me to play games, so that she can watch :) She finds it more entertaining than watching tv.. She actually put 200+ hours into Skyrim, but in god mode haha, she hates dying/ the tension.. We especially love to play horror games together on the tv with a couple of drinks.. Good fun! :)

To the guys with not so good luck, try to encourage your missus to play a game with you over the TV + xbox controller.. The walking dead game is a good start, something with a good story and drama :)
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