remember the gut who got caught at 156mph ?

Yeah but the problem is they aren't making an issue of that, because it is not seen as such a socially unacceptable event as speeding.

They have suceeded in convincing most of the moronic drones that speeding is a terrible crime. But then stealing an old ladies chips and in the process killing her, Oops oh well your the same as someone who speed.

Thats the problem.

This guy was just an idiot, he had been banned and still flouted hte law and continued to drive. Irrespective of his speed he should have been locked up as a ban was obviously not enough to tell him not to drive.

The fact that he was doing that speed is irrelevant but they still make a big thing of it. If he'd been doing 45 mph in the 40 and 80 in the 70 and had been pulled over would they have locked him up as they should for blatantly disregarding the laws and the ban imposed on him, probably not but then as someone else in this thread said, if they can allow a burgular to sue someone trying to protect his property when the police can't or won't do anything then it's not surprising that speeding is such a crime.

I think that the judiciary / government are completely out of touch with what the people require. They're only our employees after all, but from what I see they're acting more like our managers.

Oh well if people want to be led into a situation of drone like behavior then so be it. Looks like I'll be getting locked up soon then. I mean I'm sure I did 20 mph over the speed limit recently.

The real problem is that people just can't take any responsibility for their own actions and haven't got the guts to do a lot of stuff on their own they need mummy there to be there to hold their little handy pandy.
This man was sent to prison for his blatent disregard for the law and the justice system...

If he was doing 156 at night on the motor way with a licence then he would have probably ended up with a ban / fine, but it looks like the judge decided that a ban, which he already had wasn't working, and being clocked at 120 in a 40 is blatent disregard for other road users or pedestrians.

This man didn't care about the law or the previouse court decision to remove his licence so what do you do?

Ban him again... ummm NO
Bigger fine ... ummm NO, he is driving a 40grand beamer
Send the boy to prison to think about his error.. Enjoy it.:D
If he hadn't already been disqualified, and had he had insurance, then a jail sentence would have been too much imho, but as he already shouldn't have been on the roads it seems all that was left was to lock him up. And in this particular case I agree with the judgement.

If the average member of the motor forum was clocked doing 100 on a clear summers night on an emty motorway... imho people shouldn't even blink an eyelid.

Speeding in safe conditions is stigmatised way too nuch.
I'd love to see his insurance quote on a M3 when he gets his licence back :D
The road that he was speeding on has quite a few long, straight stretches where it is easy to go over the limit but 156mph isnt exactly a straightforward case of speeding is it?
A heavy ban (5yrs+) would suffice if he wasnt allready banned from driving IMO.
One things for sure, the guy must have gonads made of steel to go at that speed.
I know the A90.

The 40 zone is a bit of dual carriageway the size of a runway. Its a 40 as people pull out across the carrigeway without looking, and get themselves t-boned.

He needed his head read to speed on that road anyway, behind every sign there is a speed camera, right pest. must be abotu 14 or so on that road between aberdeen and dundee.

Still no excuse, but if there was a road to speed on, and not be causing too much harm its that one.

I would still wait till on the M74 at 6AM to really put the foot down though!
Originally posted by moss
no theres not....does he deserve jail for it?

yes he does

lets not forget hes been disqualified from driving already.

if you dont abide by the law of the land, then you have every reason to be thrown in jail

Don't know if this has been resolved but ABS doesn't always reduce stopping distances.. only under certain conditions

I've found all the information you'd want on the subject on this website
basically in the dry a rotating tyre has more braking ability than a locked up one. The only time it lenghtens the distance is on loose gravel / unpacked snow where the locked up wheels will dig down through the top layer and create a plough effect

ABS is designed to help the driver maintain control of the vehicle during emergency braking situations, not make the car stop more quickly. ABS may shorten stopping distances on wet or slippery roads and many systems will shorten stopping distances on dry roads. On very soft surfaces, such as loose gravel or unpacked snow, an ABS system may actually lengthen stopping distances. In wet or slippery conditions, you should still make sure you drive carefully, always keep a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of you, and maintain a speed consistent with the road conditions.
and on the main subject.. the guy should go to jail
The jail sentence isn't about the speed, but the fact that he was driving without insurance or a licence and that he flauted a previous ban.. the only way to punnish such a person is prison
ABS is designed to help the driver maintain control of the vehicle during emergency braking situations, not make the car stop more quickly. ABS may shorten stopping distances on wet or slippery roads and many systems will shorten stopping distances on dry roads. On very soft surfaces, such as loose gravel or unpacked snow, an ABS system may actually lengthen stopping distances. In wet or slippery conditions, you should still make sure you drive carefully, always keep a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of you, and maintain a speed consistent with the road conditions

Yup, but 99% of the time drivers are braking on tarmac roads.

If you're braking on ice it doesn't matter what brakes you have fitted you still won't stop, unless of course you have spiked tyres :)
Originally posted by MrLOL
by the highway code ?

a ford anglia with drum brakes ;)

This is what annoys me about the speed kills lobby. If you were pootling along the Motorway at 70mph in your Anglia, they'd think nothing of it. If you are doing 90mph in your car with ABS and all round vented discs, you are a murdering ****** who needs to be banned.

Which is most likely to have an accident through being unable to break properly? The limits were set when the average car planned it's stopping time using a 'Week per Page' diary.
Regardless of whether speeding is safe or not, it IS the law of the land and it IS illegal.

If you took drugs (heroin, coke, whatever) you aren't exactly causing danger to the people around you, therefore, is it okay to do them? does it make them any less illegal?
well he got wot he deserved imo....thats just plain crazy...i mean fair enuff if he did it on a lonley stretch of road somewhere in the middle of nowhere then i wouldnt really have a prob with it....

damm them m3's are quick...:eek: cant wait to get mine so i can take it down a nice stretch of road and give it some proper working out...oh by the way..this will be done in the middle of the nite...when theres no one at least im safe int he knowledge that i wont injure someone other than myself....:)

and anyways this stretch of road ill be givin it some leads into and industrial estate sort of houses etc etc...
I'm not going to be hypocrit and say he deserves prison for doing that speed, BUT iirc he was uninsured, not only that but banned previously, in which case he got off lucky, should have been 18months minimum if he was uninsured...
Originally posted by eidolon
I agree, I was only commenting on the thread title of 156mph.

Come on, own up. How many of the 150mph+ car/bike owners have tested their top speed?

trying to but my car tops out at 115mph :(

seriously tho they are setting an example of him
Originally posted by [TW]Fox
This is what annoys me about the speed kills lobby. If you were pootling along the Motorway at 70mph in your Anglia, they'd think nothing of it. If you are doing 90mph in your car with ABS and all round vented discs, you are a murdering ****** who needs to be banned.

Which is most likely to have an accident through being unable to break properly? The limits were set when the average car planned it's stopping time using a 'Week per Page' diary.

This is just one example of the governments hipocrisy over speeding. The safest roads in Britain are motorways. Why then are so many police resources and so much money tied up in schemes to catch drivers speeding when the majority of RTA's involving speeding happen on restricted roads/residential area's? Who on earth thought that adding speed humps and pinch points was an effective solution for residential areas?

If the goverment really wanted to cut down on deaths and injuries on the road, they wouldn't be pointing the finger at people speeding on safe roads who are given (in most cases) a trivial fine and a few points. As always it's about money and perceived action.
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