hi new to this forum ,i have a capri same as you thats been laid up in the back garden since 2002, but the body works in a poor state ,id like to start stripping it back ,but cant weld .can you tell me if your using a mig welder there or something else ,also where have you been getting those new pannels from thanx
Yes I'm using a Clarke Pro 90 mig welder & an auto dimming mask, I could not weld when I started either, I learned by watching youtube & practicing on scrap. The panels I got from various sources but mainly from a company called Imperial Panels in Doncaster.
The NOS Front panel I found on E-Bay & had to pick it up from Manchester, cost me £300 if I remember correct. One thing I will point out is don't bother with pattern wings as they are an absolute nightmare to get to fit so I ended up getting a 2nd Hand one and a pattern one & basically making one decent wing out of two naff ones, it's not perfect but far better than the pattern one I had tried.
Be prepared for it to take some time before you start. I have seen threads on other forums where people have started a restoration and it has turned into a major job then given up as they uncovered all sorts of horrors, I have been extremely lucky as mine wasn't that bad really.
Whilst I am posting this I may as well provide a minor update, I have just started re-assembling the front suspension & steering, all gaiters have been replaced with nice new ones even though the originals were still good enough for an MOT for £15 it was pointless not to, likewise with the track rod ends, all new just because I felt like it so I've basically replaced the entire front suspension with new stuff apart from the top mounts, arb & the lower strut casing.
I wonder how long I can keep it all that clean?
I spent all of last weekend finally recovering the engine from it's resting place a few miles away in someone elses garage, got it home and onto an engine stand as I need to start working on it.
For the first time the entire car is now all at one address
It needs a serious tidy up though as it's absolutely filthy, I have noticed a set of later model camshafts on E-Bay at the moment too which are tempting but somewhat overpriced or I'd have bought them.