Report Website Mistakes!

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Totally up to you but you can also contact customer service to RMA the extension and swap for the 8-pin based on incorrect product description.

Verified 2x 8-pins by Asus UK website and all the product review photos out there. It's like saying KFA2 GTX 980 8Pack Edition requires 6+8-pins :p

This Synology NAS page has formatting tag errors, example...

<b>Versatile storage solution fit for performance</b>

<p>With comprehensive business applications, RS3614xs+ offers enterprises seeking uninterrupted service a reliable, superior-performance network attached storage solution, helping you to simplify data management, optimize virtualization environments, and rapidly expand storage capacity.</p>

<b>Blazing performance</b>

Synology RackStation RS3614XS+ 12 Bay 2U Rackmount NAS Enclosure

Nearly all the NAS are listed twice (too numerous to mention), same model model and stock code but different URLs but not if you use the dropdown options (I went via the Synology logo on the main page to the right)...
this is not a mistake but something that has been bugging me for a long time.

when you are browsing through the items and you select a brand from the drop down menu it then filters the brands so you only get the one you selected but when you then select a method of sorting the display of these items it resets the brands back to "all brands".

I use this too for sorting through a large list from one manufacturer based on price. Has always reset the manufacturer filter (Filter Products By) when you organise in ascending order.

Actually just figured out the fix, you need the two filters to work by having "&sortby=nameAsc&subid=&mfrid=339" before "&sortby=priceAsc&subid=" as they were only using one filter. Mfrid is EVGA for manufacture ID in this example.

It therefore looks like this in the address bar for this to work:

Bit weird seeing this text in the overlay for the Intel Premium promo, it was in Dollars too ;) :

1,800 Premium pack (worth ~$500 includes a mix of three games and four content creation software's) to be offered with DT Ci7K only. It'd be great if you'd promote the SW Packs in the banner. full details in the relevant deck, at high level it includes:

- ********* Entertainment Edition
- iSpy Challenger
- WinZip
- Magix movie Edit Pro 2015
- Corel Paintshop Pro x7
- Lego Minifigures Online
- World of Tanks
- Grid Autosport

Expires August 31st 2015

Relates to all these CPUs:

Example of how it already appears correctly on the i5 4690K - to help highlight why the above needs clarifying (also note this i5 4690K example doesn't show the end date for the promo to avoid disappointment):
FREE with qualifying Intel i5K SKU's and i7 locked SKUs!

- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Value $14.99
- FINAL FANTASY® XIV: A Realm Reborn - Value $19.99
- GRID Autosport - Value $39.99
- World of Tanks - Value $108
- LEGO® Minifigures Online - Value $10.00
Don't know how to describe it other than on the "page preview" as in before you've gone onto the item. On the front page I've noticed this - I'm guessing it was typed up by Mike Tython (see what I did there? ;)) and a further spelling mistake in montors - bit rude calling people that!

"Acer 4k2k B286HK 28" Professional Widescreen LED Monitor - Black (UM.PB6EE.009)

One of our best value for money 28" 4k ---> montors <---, with a fully adjustable high ----> qualithy <---- stand and full VESA support, this deal is unbeatable!!!"

As I say it is on the homepage "This Week Only Deals" part (or so it is for me) but it's regarding this item:

Cheers guys :)
Had a forum issue the last couple of days. When clicking to recover password, the page is just blank and doesn't load. Tried on a couple of PC's different locations?

Might just be me but thought I'd let you know anyways.
Silverstone 3 fan bundle shows out of stock here, if you go to Fan Value Bundles but if you actually click the link it shows 10+ in stock.

This can confuse people who are looking to get it and might actually just skip it.

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