Resident Evil 1 remake on PC due 2015

Thanks, loving it :D

That part where
Barry ***** off back up the lift, leaving you
, that area was red, and for the life of me, i couldn't find the pick-up. :confused:

I can't remember these parts through the gates under the stairs, from when i played it on the old PS, havn't seen the big bald bloke thats dropped from the chooper in the tube yet, comes busting through the wall, so not sure if thats in this one :( :p
Thanks, loving it :D

That part where
Barry ***** off back up the lift, leaving you
, that area was red, and for the life of me, i couldn't find the pick-up. :confused:

I can't remember these parts through the gates under the stairs, from when i played it on the old PS, havn't seen the big bald bloke thats dropped from the chooper in the tube yet, comes busting through the wall, so not sure if thats in this one :( :p

That's resident evil 2 :)
Gah, im well stuck now.

Im in the lab, found the Login and Password for the computer, but only one of the doors will open, (the one with the projector slides in, B2), next to the door with the levers, which i also can't do, and ive got the X-rays up on the board, but they ain't doing anything, i put them in Inital order as told, and different bits of em light up red, but all i can do, is swap the 2 i put up around, where they don't glow, and just say no change, unless (which ive just thought of), the bits that light up red, are the password ?
Open only the first spoiler..

Take the first letter of each organ thats highlighted in RED and that will make the password (there's a note on the wall that tells you each organ name)

Still don't get it? open this..

Nope i didn't :p

Im glad i saved it, as i knew Wesker was gona let that huge dude out, and yup, killed me straight away he did :( :D, still havn't got Chris out yet either.
It walks slower than a herd of turtles through peanut butter, just run away :p.

Barry's .44 magnum is very effective against him if you have it.
Picked this up last week and have played an hour or two (which for me at the moment is a lot of time to spend gaming). Just as fun as I expected and certainly a bit more accessible than when I tried to go back to RE1 on the PSX after playing RE2 to death :p
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