Resident Evil 1 remake on PC due 2015

Is there a way to tell what weapons are left to obtain for the achievement? I swear i have had everything one time or another, including the secret stuff.

I tried linking my Steam to as that is supposed to show weapon progress, but i see no way of syncing my data (I guess you can't sync old playthough data).

Oh well, Real Survival here i come. :o
Did you save Barry? You need to not give him his gun back so you end up with Barry's 44 magnum. Which is a beast of a gun btw, but only has 6 shots.

To sync your account with, you need to go to he menu in game and share data i think. Then click on the test connection button. Its not explained very well how to do it and took me a while to figure it out. Totally not worth the effort though, I doubt I'll ever log in again.
Did you save Barry? You need to not give him his gun back so you end up with Barry's 44 magnum. Which is a beast of a gun btw, but only has 6 shots.

I've completed the game twice with Jill, second time i didn't give back his gun. I found out to my surprise it one shots the Tyrant. :o

I did all the connection test stuff, it didn't highlight any problems. I'll double check and try again later.
One other thing that counts toward the all guns achievement is using each of the different ammo types for the nade launcher.
Alright so it appears the sync wasn't working because i needed to save in-game, now that i've saved everything is working fine. It tells me that the only weapon i am missing is '????????' whatever that is.

I just completed my real survival playthrough with Jill, managed to get a 02:25:09 which was much better than i was expecting. Made some pretty expensive mistakes that resulting in death a few times, included leaving an important item behind at the mansion that was needed to make J-VOLT, so had to fight plant 42 with barely any ammo or health.

Don't know if i have the testicles to play invisible enemies, that seems pretty insane.

EDIT: Mark you are right, i am missing the flame rounds. Thanks.
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Ahh, so thats how you do the shark :p

Im onto the big plant now, VJOLT! :D

Still not got the helmet key, surely i'll get the bugger somewhere soon.

I am confused, do you play the game 15 minutes per day or do you die a lot? lol. I completed it in 2-3 sittings myself and I am not even a hardcore gamer. Some people complete it in under 3 hours... :eek::p:D
I am confused, do you play the game 15 minutes per day or do you die a lot? lol. I completed it in 2-3 sittings myself and I am not even a hardcore gamer. Some people complete it in under 3 hours... :eek::p:D

Nah, i just do the odd hr here and there, don't play it every day, taking my time :D

Played 17hrs so far :p
17 hours for 1 play through? Wow.

On saying that though if its your first time ever then its not surprising really. I remember getting stuck for hours on end with the original on PS1. :(
Hmm, not sure what to do now. I've found 2 masks, did the fish lure bit, opened the gate to the graveyard, killed the dog on the balcony. I'm faced with that room with a button that fills with gas. Any not too spoilerish ideas anyone?
Badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger
Argh! Snake, a snake!
Snaaake! A snaaaake, oooh its a snake!

Aye, a dead one! :D
I've played this game about six times since it released on Steam, I've earned all achievements including invisible enemy, real survival, knife only etc. Yet I still have the urge to play it again.

This game truly is a masterpiece.
yeh its impossible to put down, first time ive completed a game in 3 sitting (9:24hrs).
wish i hadnt done it on easy, was left at the end with a small army worth of ammo and millions of spray and herbs.
Right, im stumped here, im either missing something, or its borked.

Ive got both the Emblems for the gates under the stairs in the main house, but i can only put one in, everytime i try to pop the other one in, it just says its not necessary, wtf :confused:

Just tell me im missing something :p
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Right, im stumped here, im either missing something, or its borked.

Ive got both the Emblems for the gates under the stairs in the main house, but i can only put one in, everytime i try to pop the other one in, it just says its not necessary, wtf :confused:

Just tell me im missing something :p

It is not borked, it is just you. lol. :p

I assume one of the emblems do not have a frame? ;)
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