Capcom strikes again
buyer beware
1: Crappy 2005 era textures its not HD at all. Upscaled to HD resolutions yes but that's it. Most are so shocking you would not believe how bad they stand out in 2014
2: Mouse+KB & 360 gamepad aiming is messed up now its 60FPS which means it jerks all over the place when you need to be precise. This is game breakingly bad
3: Reuses the same title screen from the 2007 Ubisoft port. That new red title screen on Steam is nowhere to be seen its just to make you think the game is newer than it is. Capcom now changed it to the blue GC screen as well on some of the Steam store pages.
Being a massive fan of RE4 I decided to buy this even though I already owned from new in 2007 the much maligned Ubisoft PC port (which is not too bad actually anyway). I have to tell you this 2014 release is very poor it looks little different to the 2007 port & actually worse in places due to the upscaling & sub std textures. All Capcom appear to have done is create very few new textures which look a little sharper but not by much. Most of the game looks identical to the 2007 release. 60FPS introduces some issues as well with aiming the mouse+kb is almost unplayable now & gamepad not much better its horrendous & unfixable IMO as this new version clearly uses the same code as before its 1:1 identical gameplay wise the only changes are minor cosmetic textures.
Capcom have done what they do best rebrand the same old game for a new audience who never owned this on PC before. Save yourself some money buy the 2007 port mod it then you are not missing much at all its that basic a HD edition
Capcom say its based on the GC edition I say its based on the PS2 edition it looks identical to the 2007 PC port in most places apart from a few slightly sharper textures I do not think Capcom even know or are willing to admit this is just the 2007 Port with Steamworks, 60 FPS a few random sharper textures & **** *** else