Resident Evil 7!!!

Must say (for me at least) the move to first person has been a resounding success. I find it so much more atmospheric and immersive.

I didnt think it would work at all when i first heard about it but after playing the demo it really does. Graphics have got to a stage now where they are nearing the level of detail in the old pre rendered games and not just corridors full of copy and pasted pictures and vases, which would always destroy a lot of the immersion and atmosphere.

I'd still like a proper 3rd person resi game as there is still very much a place for them imo.
I've just had a play with the 2 colour modes.

First is through the tunnel in BT.709
Second is sRGB.

Personally I prefer the first.

It would be nice to play a 2017 release at 3440 x 1440p on release day.

Others Devs manage it. :mad:

It is a shame, I was about to buy it but hearing it has no ultrawide stopped me, Can it not be done fullstop?
If not I'll wait and get it in a sale.
The older Re's like RE5 seem okay with 3440x1440
there should be an old skool mode that when you die you have to go back to a tape recorder save and you can only save at tape recoders when you get tapes!

Apparently there is something like this in the NG+, except it's VHS tapes and you can only save when you have one in your possession and they're one use only.
Bought it :D

Kept getting 'Server Unreachable' when trying to launch, so had to copy and paste the big code from the support website into it.

Seems to run better than the demo, which ran well, no issues at all so far, and im still on the 16.3 Hotfix drivers from last March.

Just made it into the house :p
Quiet liking this so far, playing at 1440p with 1.2 multi in settings everything maxed and getting 80+ fps on my overclocked Fury X.

Just got outside the house now, will play more later on.

I'm running a Fury X too with pretty much everything maxed but whilst I'm also getting high FPS rates I get the occasional stutter when turning round some corners - is that happening for you? Have you maxed everything? Not tried different anti ailising or anything?
Apparently there is something like this in the NG+, except it's VHS tapes and you can only save when you have one in your possession and they're one use only.

awesome yeah its the madhouse difficulty that unlocks when you finish it! Getting conflicting reports on whether it autosaves on madhouse or not though, some websites say it still does, just less frequently, and another says it doesn't at all! Can anyone confirm? thanks
Just finished it took me just under 10 hours on Easy.

Not a bad RE game at all way better than RE6 but still nowhere near as good as RE4.

This new RE game engine is very powerful though :eek: Towards the end of the game you get a brief ingame engine cutscene in full daylight & can see all the lighting FX in play for a few seconds without the dull filters they use most of the time to present a misty looks stunning detail & lighting FX wise. Shame they used a little too much atmospheric mist in places to dull the levels down a lot. One of the later levels goes very blurry for a while not sure if its intentional or not you will know it when you see it!

Also watched the end credits. Capcom did the PC version themselves all inhouse & also did all the QA inhouse no-one else is mentioned (QLoc did not appear to be involved like previous PC ports). Did not notice a single bug or crash at all so looks like Capcom did a very good job here on the QA.

The only negative is the game is a little too short overall its not that large at all due to the backtracking it takes a while to playthru but there are not that many locations (some change at different times to different appearances).
Just finished it took me just under 10 hours on Easy.

Not a bad RE game at all way better than RE6 but still nowhere near as good as RE4.

This new RE game engine is very powerful though :eek: Towards the end of the game you get a brief ingame engine cutscene in full daylight & can see all the lighting FX in play for a few seconds without the dull filters they use most of the time to present a misty looks stunning detail & lighting FX wise. Shame they used a little too much atmospheric mist in places to dull the levels down a lot. One of the later levels goes very blurry for a while not sure if its intentional or not you will know it when you see it!

Also watched the end credits. Capcom did the PC version themselves all inhouse & also did all the QA inhouse no-one else is mentioned (QLoc did not appear to be involved like previous PC ports). Did not notice a single bug or crash at all so looks like Capcom did a very good job here on the QA.

The only negative is the game is a little too short overall its not that large at all due to the backtracking it takes a while to playthru but there are not that many locations (some change at different times to different appearances).

I enjoyed it a little more the RE4 myself, but time will tell for sure. I completely agree the game was done very well, no bugs or crashes for me and the performance was very good for the level of graphics. I played on Normal first, now playing on Easy as I just fancy going through it quickly one more time. Will try and look around more to enjoy the environments a bit more this time, also to find all those bobbleheads :D

Regarding backtracking, I actually really like that, to me that is one of the things that make RE, RE. Love to find a key and go back and get in rooms I could not get in before. I hope the next game is set in a big mansion, can never get enough of those :D
I'm running a Fury X too with pretty much everything maxed but whilst I'm also getting high FPS rates I get the occasional stutter when turning round some corners - is that happening for you? Have you maxed everything? Not tried different anti ailising or anything?

Yeah same is happening to me, must be hitting a limit on the vram is all I can guess
Started last night and enjoying it, certainly still a resident evil game! Not found it super scary yet but that's so subjective! When you see that's it's said to be really scary before you play it you go in with altered expectations I guess! The atmosphere though and the not knowing is what makes it work!

Will try HDR via the tv soon!
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