Rest in peace Keeley Bunker, raped and murdered by 'friend' on walk home...

The role of the CPS, as I understand it, is to assess the evidence presented by the police and decide whether there is a realistic prospect of getting a conviction. If so many charges are being dropped then I would assume that there is insufficient evidence. It's going to be hard to gather evidence for a crime which is mostly one-on-one with no witnesses. The other option is to "believe all women" without needing such a high level of evidence. This might seem a good approach at first but there have been quite a few false rape cases which have ruined the innocent mans life even after the charge has been proven to be false. So it's a fine balancing act between protecting women and ensuring an innocent persons life isn't ruined.

How do you think we could improve conviction rates for genuine cases without increasing the number of false prosecutions?

Well as someone who saw actual evidence of years of abuse,texts and pics showing sexual content of victims and the threats I'm not sure what the CPS want..even the police thought they had nailed him,my other half a social worker also thought he was done for.

Nope...not a thing.

Another case that I will not go into to much detail but suffice to say if multiple women claim a person has assaulted/ raped them then it must mean something..
Unfortunately it ment nothing and some truly evil evil s""t occurred as a result.

It's a balancing act but in both cases there was enough evidence to do something,first one was a prison sentence .

Second one was to go on the sex offenders list.

Maybe apply some common sense to proceedings.
Totally agree. The CPS seem to be letting women down. The number of cases which even reach court is pathetically small and then the successful prosecution rate is even smaller. Only 1.7% of reported rapes led to a prosecution in 2018. In 2018 only 3.8 per cent of sexual offences resulted in a charge or summons, down from 5.6 per cent the previous year. Just 1.7 per cent of rapes resulted in a charge or summons last year, compared to 3.3 per cent in 2017. Is it any wonder that these sexual predators keep going on sexually assaulting/raping victim after victim and occasionally murdering them?

No wonder so many women don;t even bother reporting sexual assualts/rape.

Even more concerning and whether its due to police resources is the number of suspects being released under investigation with no restrictions on their movements by police, rather than with stricter bail conditions. Quite often these individuals go onto to rape or murder later.

For example, Kay Richardson, 49, who was beaten and strangled to death by Alan Martin, 53, in September 2018, just days after he had been arrested for allegedly raping her but was released under investigation by police, without any restrictions.

The Govt and our Justice system and Police are letting these women down badly.

Indeed it's heartbreaking.
Sad thing is I couldn't tell a woman in a bad situation to go to the police,I would strongly recommend getting some bruisers around to dish some justice out.
I just couldn't trust the justice system to help them in anyway, including social.
Indeed it's heartbreaking.
Sad thing is I couldn't tell a woman in a bad situation to go to the police,I would strongly recommend getting some bruisers around to dish some justice out.
I just couldn't trust the justice system to help them in anyway, including social.

It is but, horrible as it may be, id rather 100 guilty people escaped justice than a single innocent be condemned.
It is but, horrible as it may be, id rather 100 guilty people escaped justice than a single innocent be condemned.

Problem is if they applied some common sense they would have got them.. honestly i can't even begin to describe the evidence etc they had and they both got away Scot free.
Hey ho.
Problem is if they applied some common sense they would have got them.. honestly i can't even begin to describe the evidence etc they had and they both got away Scot free.
Hey ho.

Common sense, sadly not very common.
How do you think we could improve conviction rates for genuine cases without increasing the number of false prosecutions?
Successfully prosecute the accuser, publicly. I know quite a few people accused, I don't know anyone who has been convicted. I think the percentage figures in this thread are probably accurate and doubt there have been many injustices the last couple years, lots of improvement has been made.
Successfully prosecute the accuser, publicly.

But how do you suggest improving the success rate? That's the real question.

Why publicly? What would that achieve? What if the person is still found not guilty and their life is ruined because their name is plastered everywhere?

Edit: Nevermind, I misread that :D
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Successfully prosecute the accuser, publicly. I know quite a few people accused, I don't know anyone who has been convicted. I think the percentage figures in this thread are probably accurate and doubt there have been many injustices the last couple years, lots of improvement has been made.

Why would you prosecute accusers? And if you start prosecuting accusers how exactly is that going to increase the numbers of women coming forward to report these offences? It'll quite rightfully scare them away. Or is that the plan? Don't report rapes and there aren't any.
I am not sure that is what "grooming" means and doesn't apply in this case. I agree with you though, this looks like it was a sexual predator who then got to befriend people with the view to sexually assault./rape them rather than he went rogue.

At the end of the day, he seems to be (if the case is proven) a serial rapist who will join the hundreds and thousands of other rapists in this country.

I feel sorry for the woman who lost her life, truely saddening.

Out of interest how do you feel about the other 102 women raped today in the UK by friends or family members?
grooming is such a stupid term in my opinion when used to describe an adults behaviour towards another similar age adult.

your basically "grooming" any woman you meet who you would like to be your future partner by being nice, telling jokes, buying them drinks, trying to get them to like you or have consensual sex with you.

yea when it's used in context of an adult befriending someone young or not yet a mature adult then sure it makes sense if they are taking advantage of their lack of life experience and naivety

but trying to claim a 20year old groomed a 20year old is a bit much unless one of them had a mental disability giving them a younger mental age or something.

sure he befriended her and broke her trust and it does seem like his behaviour was that of a sexual predator.
He took advantage of someone who thought he was a friend he didn't groom her.

an adult grooming another adult in my mind is like a 25year old guy with a decent job going clubbing to hit on poor 18year old uni students who are easily impressed and influenced by his ability to provide them with a good time they other wise wouldn't be able to afford.

you could claim they are both adults at those ages but lets face it there's a big gap between a 25year olds brain and an 18year olds and most people hitting on young students probably find them a lot easier to manipulate in to being their "bed buddy" than someone the same age.

I'd assume a lot of people still wouldn't agree that is grooming though even though it;s clearly taking advantage of someone's youth and life experiences/financial situation for your own gain.
Why would you prosecute accusers? And if you start prosecuting accusers how exactly is that going to increase the numbers of women coming forward to report these offences? It'll quite rightfully scare them away. Or is that the plan? Don't report rapes and there aren't any.
Yes, that is the plan. :rolleyes:

I said "successfully prosecute the accuser publicly" in regards to false accusations which ruin peoples lives. 5 words, all very important. For a successful prosecution there must have been sufficient evidence. Publicly to stem the plethora of false rape accusations.
Yes, that is the plan. :rolleyes:

I said "successfully prosecute the accuser publicly" in regards to false accusations which ruin peoples lives. 5 words, all very important. For a successful prosecution there must have been sufficient evidence. Publicly to stem the plethora of false rape accusations.

Totally agree and I also think the accused identity should be kept hidden until the trial is over as well.
Yes, that is the plan. :rolleyes:

I said "successfully prosecute the accuser publicly" in regards to false accusations which ruin peoples lives. 5 words, all very important. For a successful prosecution there must have been sufficient evidence. Publicly to stem the plethora of false rape accusations.

You never mentioned false accusations once.
When there is worth, in this instance and with yourself, I felt there was none.

The poster I replied to has taken no issue with my post as he understood my response to his question. Your response, however, was quite ironic considering your distasteful insults directed at another posters comprehension. Feel free to question my posts, it is good for discussion, but when you get it wrong just say "ah, my bad. So what about..." and continue to discuss any still relevant or newly thought of point.
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