mrk1@1 said:
That wasn't what I was getting at, the actual retail value (not cost) of the console is the value without tax in real terms. .
You still have to compare like to like - otherwise its a meaningless comparison
mrk1@1 said:
That is true but the kids will may/mostly have the console in the bedroom with a smaller non HD tv. Will be different with adults and techies rather than average familes
Maybe in years to come (and with traditional consoles this could easily be the case) but the PS3 is being marketed not only as a console but as many other things besides. Also the cost of it is inherrant in families enjoying it on a large screen , either with movies or whatever else, it will take along time and be the last generation before its truely in the kids bedrooms imo
mrk1@1 said:
Of course... all the consoles are... but I would imagine the average family isn't so technically minded they differentiate between a console and a media hub. They see it in a computer games shop or games section in a supermarket, electronic store etc and it is seen as a console. .
Thats just it - they dont have to be, all a sales man needs(and will say ) is " it plays your mp3's (transcoded or whatever is irrelevant to most), it plays hd and standard dvd movies, and new games." Nothing hard to understand at all. I dont think it is seen as "just a console"
mrk1@1 said:
Most DVDs can be picked up at the supermarkets + other places for £7-£10ish on new release (which is a large customer base). Special editions are more. Not sure how the US pricing etc is though but looking online it is roughly the same as the UK. .
Some high profile dvd's are stil well into the £15 price range even at Asda / Tesco's (dont think they are competitors just yet
I promise you I walked into Blockbusters (who have similar pricing as supermarkets its seems) and a BR of Blood Diamond was £2 more than a standard dvd!! It may be rare currently but if its already happening it looks promising for Christmas and next year on a wider scale.
mrk1@1 said:
I doubt that many people outside of the fourms which is only a few thousand really are told or even know about the failure rates of the 360 assuming they really are that high. Its not part of the shop sales pitch, thats for sure
+ the forum polls and failure reports will be biassed towards people signing up to complain, get help etc. I know of 9 360s between family and friends, some launch day some later, none of which have showed a problem etc. There is still an unacceptable failure rate for the 360 though whether it is 10%-30%.
You only have to read the press to know this (general newspapers) its been pretty widely written about, and no these figures are from retailers accepting them back (begrudgingly) and the companies who mend them - one company I read recently has refused point blank to mend any more as they cant afford to do it to the low quality MS want them to. So I am afraid you are wrong on all counts - the general public DO know about it.
mrk1@1 said:
I think the PS3 is being sold as a luxury item/console/media device in a competetive market and driving the real and percieved cost up vs its utility. I don't think the wii or 360 are marketed in the same way so possibly this differentiation has not been as beneficial as Sony would have liked.
At the end of the day, I think Sony will have to se a significant price drop to remain competetive. As far as I know the 360 is now in profit per unit and the Wii deffinately is.
Yes of course with the price the PS3 is without doubt a luxury item, and it would be impossible for the other two to be marketed in the same way simply because without addons etc they actually cant do everything the ps3 can (and without considerable added cost compared to the original console price).
I would be surprised with the high failure rate of the X360 that it is yet making a profit, the amount it would have cost to design in *** first place and all the cost in collection/repair and redistribution of new/used units will have required a huge investment in itself. If it is then fair enough, but I would still be surprised (THey would sell each unit at a massive loss anyway, with only the games bringing in "instant" profit, and it hasnt even been out for 2 years world wide yet).
Just My 2p's worth