Retailer Confirms PS3 Price Cut

I don't really the see point in owning a PS3 at the moment. Virtually all the games are multi-platform and then they perform better on the 360 than they do on the PS3. Yeah you get a Blue-ray player but I haven't come across any movies on these yet.. granted I haven't been looking but there can't be many available.
If the RRP goes down to 350 then online resellers will have it for 325, which starts to look like very good value.

How is that good value when the rest of the world has it for £250 max? It is not good value beacuse the console is only really worth @ retail £250 (i.e. lowest global price converted to GBP). Fair enough it is worth more than the sum of its components but that is not the issue.

It's not just rip off britain here but the percieved value of the console being higher than it really is. It costs no more to make the UK consoles than the US ones, they have the same components etc but sold in the UK @ £75-100 more than the global dollar retail value.

Cost is not the same as value in this case and vat is just unfortunate for Sony as they can't do much about it but MS seem to close the gap more with the $ price of the 360 and £ price, and the relative difference in cost is much less with the 360 at; £30-£40 for a core and £40-£50 for a premium which almost equals = the US price + vat.

/random = :eek: the pound is strong against the dollar atm with $2.03 to the pound.
Been some leaked info supposed to be from a SCEE employee and a french retailer. Basically it says on the 1st august new PS3 deal consisting of PS3 2 extra controllers motorstorm and resistance for 599 euros (think thats the same price as now) no more about if its the 80 Gb or 60. Also no word of a price drop as such but this was from an email asking about this offer only not in reference to any other SKU. If it means two extra controllers (not sure why you would want 3?) and two games its a bargain still not bad value if its only one extra controller.
noob said:
I'm not console fan boy, but what I do know is people just cannot afford 400 odd quid for a console. I don't about you but that is a lot of money.

How much did the Dreamcast & PS2 cost at launch ? I'm sure I read a post on here saying the DC was about £400 when it was released (may be wrong). I remember paying £550 for my PS2 bundle on the day of launch a couple of games extra pad etc from a high street shop.

I think MS have priced the 360 very low it makes the PS3 seem very expensive. In respect to it costing more here than in other Countries thats not just limited to Sony, nearly everything imported item is more expensive then other Countries including within the EU.
Just thought id have a look and see how much we get ripped off in the UK,
Using official prices, but pre price drop for PS3 though as the European one has not been announced it wouldnt be right to use a price drop figure and the original UK one. I used premium 360 (no elite in UK as yet) 60 Gb PS3 (pre price drop like i said) and the Wii. The dollar currently sits at $2.02 per pound, I should remove 17.5% of the UK price (VAT) as the US price does not include state taxes but i thought i would use the current official retail price. Im not comparing consoles or manufacturers just thought it would be interesting seeing the Mark up.
Wii Cost $249.99 equiv UK cost £123.75 Official UK £179.99 45% more
360 premium $399.99 " " £197.52 " " £279.99 41% more
PS3 60 Gb $599.99 " " £297.03 " " £424.99 43% more

Could drop 17.5% off the price for a more balanced price ie no taxes for both US and UK.
noob said:
Try one, I have thanks. With regards to the general feeling I can tell you now if you ask most people on the street what BR is they will think you are from outer space. It took years for DVD to be known by the 'average' person on the street..

That was before the internet - generally more aware now especially due to the connection with the PS brand.

noob said:
Why did I pick £300 not because I thought yeah that sounds good but because how much they are paying for the PS3 in the US and Japan. Can't we for once not get ****** on when it comes to buying consoles?.

As has been proven many times its the VAT that kills the prices here as much as anything (not to mention the additional transport costs compared to Japan/US)

noob said:
I'm not console fan boy, but what I do know is people just cannot afford 400 odd quid for a console. I don't about you but that is a lot of money.

As the price now on the street can be found for well under £425, and with the rumoured price cut evident tomorrow its likely to be under £350 I think thats a pretty decent reduction for being on the market less than 4 months.Yes it is a lot of money (as I have agreed with many times before) but as its not a traditional console it wont be used in the same way. Also with this price drop its getting much nearer the usual entry point of days gone by of £300 on release for most generations.

ttreaders said:
I don't really the see point in owning a PS3 at the moment. Virtually all the games are multi-platform and then they perform better on the 360 than they do on the PS3. Yeah you get a Blue-ray player but I haven't come across any movies on these yet.. granted I haven't been looking but there can't be many available.

Not always the case of cross platform games performing better (Oblivion had a wide user base on the PS3 which stated it looked and performed better) and there are a number of exclusives already - Motorstorm and Resistance , not to mention the imminent releases.

Depending on what you classify as "not many movies" - Virgin has 50 or so BR movies in stock in the 4 different branches I have been into (all London I have to admit) , and there are about 130 US discs that work in the UK, and a number of UK only titles. Myabe not a huge amount, but seeing as the PS3 was the first major seller of a BR deck in the EU thats pretty impressive since March....... Maybe you should start to look then :D
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McManicMan said:
Maybe, but for the majority all they want is a games machine

I dont believe it is actaully - but Im fine leaving that to conjecture

McManicMan said:
true, but the playstation brand and the past years bad press and rival consoles head lead has effected them more than most think, as for extra's well thats just what they are for some, you can have them or not

Bad press has been around for MS as well in regards to failure rate. As I tried to indicate what is bundled with the PS3 are becoming more common needs or requests and to my mind how much MS charge for add ons is scandelous.Thats just my opinion however being in and around IT hardware for the last 15-20 years

McManicMan said:
somehow i don't think the ps3 will meet a £200 price point in 12 months time, yet i do see the core 360 comming down to £150 so your point is abit moot :p

Its never going to and I never said it would, as you knew I wasnt referring to price in direct comparison to wii X360, more the way over the top comment " it will NEVER match the other two for many years to come"
FrankJH said:
That was before the internet - generally more aware now especially due to the connection with the PS brand.

FrankJH said:
its still a pretty tiny market, with few people really interested.

You seem to contradict yourself? Like you have said not many aware as few people are interested.

FrankJH said:
As has been proven many times its the VAT that kills the prices here as much as anything (not to mention the additional transport costs compared to Japan/US)

You can't blame VAT and 'additional transport' for the massive price it is now.
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noob said:
You seem to contradict yourself? Like you have said not many aware as few people are interested.

You can't blame VAT and 'additional transport' for the massive price it is now.

I can see what you are saying but maybe I should have put it like this:

Current purchased units of PS3/BR is pretty small - however a lot more people are aware of BR (which is what I was referring to initially) , while actially not being in the market yet, because of the internet and general speed of information being a lot higher than in the early 90's when DVD wass first launched.

Isnt that a fair (and accurate) thing to say?

NokkonWud said:
Of course most PS3 owners want it as a console, same as with PS2.

a lot more owners it appears to me are more interested in the other aspects of it than the games - whether that is BECAUSE the choice of games is relatively poor, I dont know.
FrankJH said:
a lot more owners it appears to me are more interested in the other aspects of it than the games - whether that is BECAUSE the choice of games is relatively poor, I dont know.

I think its more because a lot of this stuff like F@H, blu-ray and linux is likely to be new to them, where as they probably know what to expect from the gaming side.
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