So far in my collection, i've got:
speccy 48k
speccy 128k
commodore 64k
Wooden Atari Effort
Original master system
master system2
megadrive 2
snes + Magicom
Amiga 600
Xbox 360
Orignal Gameboy, gameboy advanced and a ds lite
I reckon there could be more, but i'm stuck. I want a mega cd, mega drive 1, jaguar and maybe some more speccys
It gets quite addictive collecting,i currently have have all the following boxed.
Sinclair ZX81 with thermal printer & 16K ram pack (all boxed)
Sinclair ZX81 which is unbuilt & in kit form as you could buy them direct from Sinclair & build them yourself
(Boxed as new)
3 x Sinclair 48K rubber key spectrums (all boxed)
1 x Sinclair 48K spectrum + (Boxed)
1 x Sinclair spectrum 128K (the version based on the 48K+ before Amstrad took over) (Boxed)
3 x James Bond action pack 128K spectrum +2's (all Boxed)
1 x Sinclair Spectrum 128K +2 grey version (boxed)
1 x Sinclair Spectrum 128K +3 (boxed)
3 x BBC model B's (All boxed)
3 x Commodore 64's early version (All boxed)
1 x Commodore 128 (boxed)
1 x Commodore Plus 4 (boxed)
1 x Vic 20 (boxed)
6 x Commodore 64's later version (All boxed)
6 x Commodore 64/128 floppy drives (3 x boxed)
1 x Commodore Amiga A500 (Boxed)
1 x Commodore Amiga A600 (boxed)
1 x Commodore Amiga A1200 which is brandnew & never used (Boxed)
1 x Atari 2600 Woodgrain (Boxed)
1 x Atari 2600 Junior (Boxed)
1 x Atari 2600 Junior (Brandnew & boxed)
1 x Atari Jaguar (Brandnew & boxed)
I spent ages trying to find all the above in mint condition as i'm a bit of a fussy git
Plus 1000's of games & peripheral's
But the time has come to get shot of them all