Retro console and games thread

I spent most of yesterday afternoon playing on my old Amiga 1200, some classic nostalgia moments... unfortunatly i was just checking it so i could put on ebay :( need the cash!!!
Ebay need to be shut down look what i just got :D


I picked up a PS2 the other week, needed a few tweaks with the laser to get it to read discs but it's working perfectly now. Dug out my pristine condition Gran Turismo 4 and got a memory card off of eBay for a couple of quid, all sorted...


And here's my small retro collection as it currently stands...

i was at bootsale yesterday,been trying to find ICO for ps2.Seen loads of megadrive stuff,i got loads games and snes games but i tryed shifting stuff on ebay and you might aswell be giving them away with all the fees
Quick revival of the thread as I have started to get my collection sorted out a little.

So far I have managed to gather up most of the Nintendo stuff into one neat corner -


A clearer picture can be seen here. :)

I suddenly decided it was time to go through it all after picking up a Panasonic FZ-10 (3do) off the bay last week. Sega and all the others are on the to do pile over the coming weeks. :D
As I haven't been here in a while, thought i'd do an updated list of my little collection.

Mine are:

* ZX Spectrum + x2 and a couple of joystick interfaces plus ZX Printer
* ZX Spectrum +3 and Sinclair/Amstrad external 3" disc drive plus a Multiface 3
* NES and Zapper
* N64
* Gameboy
* Rain Shower Game & Watch
* Astro Wars and some other handheld lcd stuff
* Asian Megadrive + Menacer gun
* Megadrive 2 (x2 I think)
* Couple of Pong/Multigame machines
* Playstation (1st generation)
* Amiga A500 (might be a A500+ model, can't remember)
* Dreamcast and lightgun
* Xbox
* BBC Model B (plus a proper BBC Teletext adapter and a different make teletext adapter)
* Acorn Archimedes A3010 2Mb ram (x2) (one of them cost me nothing!) and proper Acorn monitor
* Acorn Archimedes A3020 4Mb ram
* Amiga A1200 with HD
* Quite a few games etc. for most of the above (all but the BBC Model B and Archimedes in fact)

Also, a couple of proper arcade machines: Sega Hang-On, Electrocoin Goliath Mk3 (machine, with rotatable screen, into which you can put any game pcb), Barcrest/ Zenitone Deal 'Em machine.

Also have many game pcbs (around 150 or so), loads of different spares, 14" and 19" monitors, psu's, etc. Recently picked up boards and looms, pedals, etc. for Ridge Racer 2, Rave Racer, Ace Driver and Crisis Zone. The arcade side of things is a continuing thing, with the computers and consoles thing I just occasionally pick up a machine if I see one I want.

It's good to be able to play the original boards rather than conversions on consoles! :D
Quick revival of the thread as I have started to get my collection sorted out a little.

So far I have managed to gather up most of the Nintendo stuff into one neat corner -

A clearer picture can be seen here. :)

I suddenly decided it was time to go through it all after picking up a Panasonic FZ-10 (3do) off the bay last week. Sega and all the others are on the to do pile over the coming weeks. :D

I spy a boxed super mario world :D
Ohh man, 3do, do make sure you sample twisted the gameshow, a quiz game that has no equal:)

Digging through the attic last week, found the old nintendo complete with ROB.. tempted to let it find a new home.... along with the castlevania collectors edition i didn't realise i had, they go near 100 notes on the bay:)
Ohh man, 3do, do make sure you sample twisted the gameshow, a quiz game that has no equal:)

Digging through the attic last week, found the old nintendo complete with ROB.. tempted to let it find a new home.... along with the castlevania collectors edition i didn't realise i had, they go near 100 notes on the bay:)

The 3do came with Road Rash, Starblade and Flashback so not too bad, quite like Starblade :D Will go hunting though.

Your mad to part with ROB if you have a decent one, I'm still searching myself ;)

3do oh how i hammer'd need for speed love it till it got too playstation then it went ..well.road rash too loved it.
wonder why they never updated rr.
I picked up a NeoGeo Pocket color for 19.99 last week boxed and instruction. I have no games and it's hard to find them unless I want to get ripped off on Ebay.
i had desert strike,jungle strike and urban strike ,but cant find urban strike

I've got Soviet Stike on the PS1 somewhere too. :)

I have pretty much exactly the same N64 titles as you :D + the Zelda games.
Classics! Remember being amazed at the water in Wave Race lol :x

Been trying to buy up some more of the old Zelda games, it's very dear though. :(
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