Retro console and games thread

Sonic anyone? lol


found another horde in the loft lol,Including a mega cd,n64,boxed n64 pad,another 10 or more snes games and about 30 more megadrive games,will update the list
i now have 7 boxed sonics :o
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i would put them on mm but i have no idea for pricing lol,id love to get rid of them in bulk,like 5-10 games at a time,it would be silly selling them at £2 or whatever a peice then having to pay £1.50 postage
Love my Master System II - Couldn't part with it for anything!

Twas my first ever consol, got it on my 9th or 10th birthday (1995-6) when It was still being sold new in Woolworths! :O (that was it's last legs though, I think they were discontinued very shortly afterward).

That's right, I was getting Master System when peeps were wowing at Playstation's iminent release Haha XD

Alex Kidd rules! (and california games of course )
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Yea I am gonna see what 5 weights then see how much post will be first , I'd like to try get rid of n64 games and snes in bundles .

Are you willing to sell some consoles aswell mate? I'd be interested in megadrive and snes games poss n64 seeing as I've got one of those laying around.
I am gonna get rid of all consoles long as I got powersupplys for them all and know there working , I got a n64 that defo works and all leads , iv got another n64 but needs a shaver plug no idea why , I am gonna knock up a mega drive with mega cd bundle , I've got two mega CDs and loads of megadrives prob about 5 lol so two lots of those , I am sure I've got a atari jaguar and a couple master systems somewhere aswell , should get s few sorted tomor and get em on mm
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If your putting games up five for a tenner do a little research as some games are worth more than others. I was surprised that a lot of people were interested in a copy of Toy Story for the Megadrive I put on Ebay one time.
I am gonna get rid of all consoles long as I got powersupplys for them all and know there working , I got a n64 that defo works and all leads , iv got another n64 but needs a shaver plug no idea why , I am gonna knock up a mega drive with mega cd bundle , I've got two mega CDs and loads of megadrives prob about 5 lol so two lots of those , I am sure I've got a atari jaguar and a couple master systems somewhere aswell , should get s few sorted tomor and get em on mm

*Senses his wallet taking a hit* :(
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