Reverse Parking

Only place I don't is supermarkets. Reversing in makes getting to the boot awkward..

This. Unless I need to get in the boot I always back in. Interestingly (sort of) there's a company near me where there's a sign on their car park saying "Reverse Parking Only".
Another one is people who forward park on to their driveway on busy or main roads. Had a couple of near misses from them. Isn't there something in the highway code about that too?

Yup the High code says you should reverse park if you can

I never reverse park my driveway is a compromised triangle shape and I'd have to open my door to a wall which I'd rather not do, also my charging cable is not long enough to get to the charging point parked the otherway.
When I just passed my test, one of my colleagues said to me "reverse park whenever you can" and so I did in the works cars.

Fast forward 8 years of not owning a car. I now work at the head office of a construction contractor and have been lent a fiesta. Every car in the car park is some big pickup, suv or luxury saloon and they are all perfectly reverse parked. So I have very quickly learned how to also do so.
It's worth noting that some companies, on the grounds of safety risk management, mandate reverse parking on their sites. I haven't worked for such a company, but some others which I have visited have been pretty strict about it.
It's worth noting that some companies, on the grounds of safety risk management, mandate reverse parking on their sites. I haven't worked for such a company, but some others which I have visited have been pretty strict about it.
Every construction site I have visited is reverse parking only. Reason being is that accidents are far more likely at the end of the day when people are all leaving and you've just done 10 hours of manual labour.
Varies. Supermarket usually nose in to give access to the boot.

Work car park is sloping and, for no particular reason, I always find myself facing downhill, which means nose in on one side or tail in on the other.
I drive in to a space at the supermarket but tend to reverse elsewhere, especially if parking spaces are tight.
It's worth noting that some companies, on the grounds of safety risk management, mandate reverse parking on their sites. I haven't worked for such a company, but some others which I have visited have been pretty strict about it.
When I went on a National Grid site in my previous role all cars had to be reverse parked, this was due to the fact that if site had to be evacuated quickly people weren't being held up by cars having to reverse out of spaces
In my 20 odd years of driving I've hardly ever had to reverse park, so I haven't built up confidence doing it, so I'll prefer forwards when possible, which is about 99% of the time anyway.
Depends, I reverse park everywhere I can but one supermarket where theres no way to get in to the boot if you don't and my driveway as I back out with good traffic flow visibility and it's not a main road.

I only go bonnet first thanks to cross traffic alert at that supermarket too.
Another one is people who forward park on to their driveway on busy or main roads. Had a couple of near misses from them. Isn't there something in the highway code about that too?
Nosing into mine is the safer option, as lining up to reverse means you're partly hidden by the road bend and we've had both near misses and impacts as a result. Reversing out is fine, as you have clear visibility and can be seen well enough by oncoming.

Just something else i've been wondering about for a while.... If anyone here has a reverse parking policy at work - what industry are you in?
We're full of engineers who will happily drone on about how reversing on a cold engine uses far more fuel than pulling forward out of a parking space, and how much fuel (and thus of the planet) you'll save by reverse-parking with a warm engine. Then you'll be lectured by H&S on how nosing out of a space gives you better visibility of those pesky pedestrians who like to dart past your vehicle without looking.

I'm told gas and electric sites actually run some kind of yellow/red card punishment scheme for those who don't reverse-park?
I always reverse into a parking space the only time when I don’t are either at the supermarket or parking spaces that are at an angle and encourage you to drive in.
to be fair, people that red flag others for a potential relationship based on how they park their car, might be a red flag for a relationship.
True. And people who judge others for what they consider red flags might also be a red flag for a relationship.
Yeah same as most, drive in at a supermarket so boot is easy to access and reverse park all other times where possible.

I used to work for a company who's main office said you had to reverse park giving the reason that it improved the look of the car park, rather than safety.

I actually was very bad at bay parking in my driving lessons and for the first few months (years maybe) did it just for the practice and it stuck.
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