[review] Hyundai N91W Widescreen

Hey guys,

I am intresting in buying this monitor but I have a question.

Do i need to buy a lead seprately to plug the monitor into my PC? or will the lead come with the monitor? just confused thats all because ive seen people saying they bought their own lead or something? :confused:

thanks to anyone who can awnser my question :D
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It comes with 1 VGA lead so you will be fine but you will ened to buy a seperate DVI cable!

I have done some tests with DVI and VGA with plain white/black test images and found that on the black image the DVI sample is ever so slightly cleaner - anyone else wnating to test this too ?

I connected both cables to my 7800gs and simply flicked the osd between VGA/DVI to visually inspect the differences. Both are just as sharp as each other and both dislpay the same colour clarity though.
mrk said:
It comes with 1 VGA lead so you will be fine but you will ened to buy a seperate DVI cable!

I have done some tests with DVI and VGA with plain white/black test images and found that on the black image the DVI sample is ever so slightly cleaner - anyone else wnating to test this too ?

I connected both cables to my 7800gs and simply flicked the osd between VGA/DVI to visually inspect the differences. Both are just as sharp as each other and both dislpay the same colour clarity though.

I bought a separate DVI cable, but my monitor came with a couple of adapters for converting a VGA cable into a DVI cable.
KlaSh said:
Thanks for awnsering me mrk.

http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/Video_Cables.html out of the cables in there, which one do you recogn would i need to buy? :)

Just getting all my questions asked(awnserd) before i buy the monitor etc

bit of a nub at times me :eek:

Ehhhm, I keep forgetting what type DVI-D/I is heh.

Here's a pic of the pin out on mine:


It's DVI-D Dual link ?

That's the type you'll be wanting :)
KlaSh said:
Thanks for awnsering me mrk.

http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/Video_Cables.html out of the cables in there, which one do you recogn would i need to buy? :)

Just getting all my questions asked(awnserd) before i buy the monitor etc

bit of a nub at times me :eek:

Second from bottom would do if you want to use DVI (which is digital), although its only 1m! The bottom one is only if you want to use it on a 30" monitor, and at that price its a bit of an overkill for what you need!

You can use the VGA (anolog) cable that is supplied untill you come across a cheaper 2-3m DVI cable ;)


DVI-D (digital only)
DVI-A (analog only)
DVI-I (digital & analog)

mrk: he wont be needing a dual link DVI cable for a 19" tft. Also the Dual link connector has a lot more pins than your picture. From the picture its a DVI-D (Single link) connector!
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Pretty sure that's a 16.2M colour TN+Film screen btw. The viewing angles and price are dead giveaways. Not that there's any great difference between 16.2M and 16.7M in practice.

Looks like a great screen, very impressed with the piccies. A bargain too.
Nice review and very nice pictures. I think the monitor looks really classy! :)

For the price of around £150 it looks like a no-brainer! I'll be getting this when i can as it will go nicely with my Akasa Eclipse 62 case. Playing games at the slightly lower resolution of 1440x900 compared to a 20" @ 1680 x 1050 will also mean i won't need to get as high a spec graphics card.
Thanks for the review mrk.
It does look very nice. :)

Three things are putting me off buying this at the moment, Let me explain.

- First off, Why is it so cheap?

I spent £279 on my Samsung 913n when it first come out, ok that was a year ago, but there are other models with around the same specs but much more money - £200~
What do the dearer monitors have on this model?

- Secondly what happens to the Games which dont allow me to change to a
Widescreen Res?

Do they stretch, and if so do they look ok like that?

- Will there be any benefit in changing my current Samsung 913n for this?

Apart from it being widescreen, better quality?
19" Widescreen technology over the year, has come down in Cost. The panels are being produced in higher numbers, resulting in lower manufacturering costs. This saving has been passed onto the end user.

But- Panel prices are about to go up - not only on 19" widescreen but all over the sizes.
So there is very good chance the price could go up in the very near future because of this.

If Gibbo says its the best he has seen recently, then thats good enough for me!!
markyb said:
Thanks for the review mrk.
It does look very nice.
Three things are putting me off buying this at the moment, Let me explain.

- First off, Why is it so cheap?

I spent £279 on my Samsung 913n when it first come out, ok that was a year ago, but there are other models with around the same specs but much more money - £200~
What do the dearer monitors have on this model?

- Secondly what happens to the Games which dont allow me to change to a
Widescreen Res?

Do they stretch, and if so do they look ok like that?

- Will there be any benefit in changing my current Samsung 913n for this?

Apart from it being widescreen, better quality?

Hopefully I can answer some of those questions effectively :)

It's cheap because it just is :p doesn't mean the quality is that of a cheap screen though! the same goes for many other things by other brands like an LG dvd writer, does the same (if nto better) as a Plextor one whilst costing half as much.

My AG neovo is almost 2 years old and that cost £145 back then and the quality of that was amazing just liek this new one whilst abck then the average big brand 17" TFT was £250~

Hyundai is also not a big name TFT maker, look at their product lineup you will see they only have a few models and the N91W being one of their newest.

Of course the more expensive monitors have more features like composite/svideo inputs, they also have other features like variable adjustments for the stand - apart from that their specs are very similar. The dell also uses the S-IPS panel instead of TN doesn't it ?

Do you need the widescreen? if not then there would be minimal befeit :p

Depends on the game really, HL2 looks fine at 1024x769/1280x1024, it may seem odd a little bit but it's perfectly playable though the performance hit is almost non existant so using the higher res should bea non issue unless you have a gfx card made a decade ago :p

If Gibbo says its the best he has seen recently, then thats good enough for me!!

but what about me man, what about me ;( :p
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