**Ride in the OcUK Radical - Bank Holiday Monday 26th May - Donington Park**

Originally posted by Spie
There will be more dates announced within the next week, including one at Oulton Park :)

Fantastic....I think I know when and....

You'll be racing against one of these


Might be a fair race....

Edit: replace race with participating alongside....:D

Hi Spie, have you entertained the idea of Popping upto Scotlands race track? Knockhill would be great for me :D
Yup, lets just hope it stays dry and sunny over the next few days as then that way you'll be able to see what the Radical is truly capable off and it'll be good if all our cars can remain clean. :)
so where does a hardware retailer get £45K to spend on a track car?
which i had sum receipts cose Oulten Park is like 15mins away from where i live :) do u need a driving license aswell?
Originally posted by |Show|
do u need a driving license aswell?

as mark said you need to be able to prove your 16, i really doubt you need a driving license as the only license you can have at 16 (besides a fake one ;)) is a provisional moped license
Spie, can u just confirm it would be ok for me to bring my bank statement with an ocuk transaction on it, as I havent got any old receipts.
Originally posted by blun
Spie, can u just confirm it would be ok for me to bring my bank statement with an ocuk transaction on it, as I havent got any old receipts.
Sure :)
mmmmmmmm....Weather looks good:) Anyone who isn't sure if they should go SHOULD. Well worth it!!! :)

Doesn't look like I'm gonna be able to make it:( I may do, not 100% sure yet.
How far is it from OcUK HQ? anyone got a link to a multimap location?

Dont want to get lost trying to find it if i do decide to go :(
Follow the A50 to Derby and you will come to the Junction for the A6, carry on to the next one, and you should see signs for Donington Park, As you get nearer, you will see signs for two entrances, Normal and Paddock. Go to Paddocks and then walk through the garages till you find a Zafira and a Trailer:D

It is about 40-50miles from HQ
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