**Ride in the OcUK Radical - Bank Holiday Monday 26th May - Donington Park**

Originally posted by adwhitworth
Follow the A50 to Derby

that wouldnt work, as ill be travelling SOUTH ;)

i need the A52 to derby, then the A50 from derby :) thank the lord 'o' map point :D glad i found my install CD
Originally posted by neilio
would love to see that!


The video footage is absolutely brilliant! Some great views of the other cars (before the radical flys past them ;))
Originally posted by luke284
is it a digital video, can we all see it???

At the moment its raw avi and hence huge, its (probably) being divx'd tomorrow at ocuk HQ, and will be up (so mark said) in the near future :)
nice to meet you all.

The session was a great way to finally have the car run in.
It got used in anger and turned out a 1.19 lap with SDK on board :D

Now Spie is gaining a feel for the car, we just need to drop it down another 20mm and go for it!

I was chatting to Nick Dudfield (who was leading the radical racing championship, until yesterday) and he was telling me where we can knock a few seconds off the time with a slight change in technique ;)

Oulton park is gonna be fun :D
Originally posted by Stumpy
Oulton park is gonna be fun :D

Oulton park is gonna be great (lot closer too) but i thought it was donny again next? 21'st at donny 24th at oulton?

Still cant believe the fastest lap was with ballast ;)
Originally posted by luke284
what sort of speeds can you get up to in the radical??

122mph before having to brake for the final chicane and the braking and cornering speed is awesome
Originally posted by orient
Oulton park is gonna be great (lot closer too) but i thought it was donny again next? 21'st at donny 24th at oulton?

it's an awful lot closer to me aswell ;)

It will be the next one , i'll be able to get to :D
OK I have some superb video footage on Mini-DV. How do I get it into a reasonable sized mpg? It's a Sony PC9 digicam.
Hey all - just had time to post. It was great to meet you all. Nice to meet you Spie :). The car look awesome on the track, Stumpy was busy making sure all was working well so thumbs up to him :).

It was a good day! The weather was brilliant. The only slightly frustrating thing were the first couple of sessions, as they kept getting stopped, other than that though the day was problem free. Met some great people, made some friends and got sunburn!

I will sort through and upload all the pics later on (SDK, do you want the pics of you sending?).

Spie, I look forward to the video footage going up :).

Excellent day.
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