**Ride in the OcUK Radical - Bank Holiday Monday 26th May - Donington Park**

could you do the same for me of any decent pics you have, to the msn address in my sig? pretty pweese :)
I need a real easy guide as to how to do this. I have a Sony PC9 mini-DV cam with USB connection. I have win XP and Adobe Premiere. Can't seem to get them to talk to eachother. Any ideas?
Software that came with the cam? use it to access the memory stick, and copy (as if a normal file on your hdd) to a directory on your machine, then use adobe premier to open it?
Pity about that S14 at the end though...:(

Poor bloke i was chatting to him earlier too... Looked pretty sick... The S13 was getting some AWESOME sideways action on the last straight... Got nearly all of them on Vid and will post soon...

Did you all like my mate Tims R34 Nur Spec? He had onboard cameras and took loads of footage and i will post that when i have recieved it and transfered it to Divx... ;)
Originally posted by Skyline
Pity about that S14 at the end though...:(

Poor bloke i was chatting to him earlier too... Looked pretty sick... The S13 was getting some AWESOME sideways action on the last straight... Got nearly all of them on Vid and will post soon...
There was nothing awesome about following and overtaking those guys. They were the biggest hazard on the track and the results were there for all to see. Guy in the white 200SX nearly took me out. Drift and slide by all means, but when you are putting others at risk then its just plain stupid.
Originally posted by Skyline
Did you all like my mate Tims R34 Nur Spec?

Gold/green skyline? if so then definately, that was by far the nicest road car there, would have loved a look inside it.

Originally posted by Skyline
Pity about that S14 at the end though...:(

what happened, think i left before that point :(
Originally posted by Skyline
Did you all like my mate Tims R34 Nur Spec? He had onboard cameras and took loads of footage and i will post that when i have recieved it and transfered it to Divx... ;)

Was that this car ?? Post the link to the vids when it's up :)


P.S - Those drifting guys were getting to be dangerous - as you'll see on Spie's vid footage
Spie.......I thought the pc9 used usb for the memory stick and firewire for the DV footage :confused:

if it's firewire it should just plug in and turn on.........I even get to use controls on my monitor screen to control the camcorder functions (i have an older JVC cam though). XP found it straight away.

i'd also agree with the drifts, good to watch, but very close to other cars. The white and black options car almost lost it on the last corner and JUST got grip enough to dive into the pit lane :eek:

If he had have not scrubbed off enough speed, he'd have been head on into the pit wall :(
Those 200sx's were drifting like mad. Didn't see the incident at the end as I had left before that point. But there was some hazardous driving at times, and hazardous cornering techniques especially out of Goddards/Park Chicane. Quite a few people lost it there, lots of sideways action and a few spins :eek:
Originally posted by Stumpy
Spie.......I thought the pc9 used usb for the memory stick and firewire for the DV footage :confused:

if it's firewire it should just plug in and turn on.........I even get to use controls on my monitor screen to control the camcorder functions (i have an older JVC cam though). XP found it straight away.
Correct. Plugging cable in now :)
Some Pics here... Donnington

I can see your point Spie but I found them the most entertaining of the day... I am sorry but seeing cars just wizz round the track can get incredibly Boooorrring! I have never seen Brett (White S13) loost control of it and if he was in your way then you were too close... Trackdays, especially the ones for £95 are ment to be fun and NOT competitive if you remember the briefing... And as far as i am concerned the radicals and caterhams are the most hazzardous on the track but i have to admit you driving was the best out of them... but some of them were racing each other and that is what causes accidents... If you feel like they were problematic then i suggest that cheap trackdays may not be the thing to bomb around in that radical... Maybe a track day that costs £200+ would be more in your order...

I will say one thing though Spie i commend you on giving something back to your customers by giving them free rides in the radical (How did you manage to get them to wave the £25 passenger fee?)

Yes SDK thats the one...;)
Stumpy... I have video footage of when Brett came into the pits and under no circumstances was the car out of control... They are called the Option Drift Club for a reason and they know what they are doing (Apart from the couple of mishaps) I think i also have footage of one of the Caterhams coming out of that chicane hot and dive in the pits cutting up Brett in his S13 and another time when clio does the same in front of Tim in his Nur...
The last trackday I went to and participated at Donnington the Options club were told not to drift as it endangered other drivers on the track, was this not the case this time round?
Nope track was dry as a bone, Brett knew what he was doing and was sideways most of the time through the final chicane... Never got told off once...
Originally posted by Skyline
Some Pics here... Donnington

I can see your point Spie but I found them the most entertaining of the day... I am sorry but seeing cars just wizz round the track can get incredibly Boooorrring! I have never seen Brett (White S13) loost control of it and if he was in your way then you were too close... Trackdays, especially the ones for £95 are ment to be fun and NOT competitive if you remember the briefing... And as far as i am concerned the radicals and caterhams are the most hazzardous on the track but i have to admit you driving was the best out of them... but some of them were racing each other and that is what causes accidents... If you feel like they were problematic then i suggest that cheap trackdays may not be the thing to bomb around in that radical... Maybe a track day that costs £200+ would be more in your order...

I will say one thing though Spie i commend you on giving something back to your customers by giving them free rides in the radical (How did you manage to get them to wave the £25 passenger fee?)

Yes SDK thats the one...;)

I can assure you there is nothing boring about driving the Radical and trackdays are for the participants NOT the spectators (watching cars fly down the start/finish straight does get boring). Brett was in MY way I'm afraid and to deliberately loose traction when a faster car is behind you is plain stupid. Sorry but I really did have to take evasive action. It's a racetrack not McDonalds carpark.

Not sure why spending £200 on a trackday should mean you have less exposure to hazardous driving :confused:

Anyway, I paid for 6 passengers today and it was fun. They day just over too quickly :(

Just recording the video into .wmv format, but I think it's still going to be big.
Originally posted by Spie
Anyway, I paid for 6 passengers today and it was fun. They day just over too quickly :(

I didnt realise you paid for us aswell! Thanks again :D

Riding in a radical is something every motor enthusiast should get to do at some point - I can only imagine what it must be like to drive!
It always happens on track days where you have such a mixture of cars... And i find it a little nieve that you do not expect a little mad driving on a trackday that only costs £95... Whe Skyline, Evo and the like boys are also in the same boat... They have very fast cars but on cheap track days they are plagued by cheap pieces of rubbish on the track because they are more accessable. What do the GTR Boys do in that situation? They hang back and do not put themselves in the situation where they are too close, that if something should go wrong with the car in front they are not in danger of not having time to get out of the way. Its like being on a motorway just keep your distance and overtake at the appropriate time. Its not a race! We all know that the radicals are pretty much the fastest things on the track, but being right up the exhaust of a car that has half as much power to weight ratio as you do proves nothing more than its faster and corners/brakes better... if you were out on the track with just radicals it would have been a different matter... all the same characteristics...

Anyway, I paid for 6 passengers today and it was fun. They day just over too quickly

Well played and i hope all the passengers enjoyed the ride (Saw a couple of them pass clinging to that support with white knuckles) There are plenty more trackdays throught the year... I would have asked for a go... that would have sloooowed ya down... hehehe! how to double the weight of the car in one go... :p
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