Rids - 283lb to Marathon - Let the journey begin

Shoulder Day

DB Shoulder Press
16kg x 12 x 2
16kg x 9 x 2
16kg x 8 x 2

Front Raise
6kg x 9 x 5

Lateral Raise
6kg x 9 x 5

High Pull
25kg x 12 x 2
25kg x 10 x 3

DB Shrugs
22kg x 20 x 6

Arnold DB Press
10kg x 12 x 2
10kg x 10 x 2
10kg x 8 x 1

Landmine Press
10kg x 12 x 3

Happy with today, given the shoulder tweak from Tuesday I was a bit anxious about aggrivating it but came through with no issues.
Good to see you back Rids - changing jobs, travel etc has left me in a similar (was worse - made 237lbs again!) position but back on it now also... may log again
Good to see you back Rids - changing jobs, travel etc has left me in a similar (was worse - made 237lbs again!) position but back on it now also... may log again

Good to hear from you dude, get back on the grind, you were absolutely killing it before, no doubt you can do it again.

Back Day

Seated Row (Machine)
80kg x 12 x 5
65kg x 20 x 1
55kg x 25 x 1
45kg x 25 x 1

Lat Pulldown
45kg x 12 x 2
55kg x 12 x 1
55kg x 10 x 1
55kg x 9 x 1
55kg x 8 x 1

Lat Pulldown (V Bar)
45kg x 12 x 2
55lg x 7 x 4

25kg x 15 x 1
25kg x 12 x 4

Straight Arm Pulldown
20kg x 10 x 2
20kg x 8 x 2

90kg x 8 x 1
90kg x 7 x 1
90kg x 6 x 2

BB Bicep Curls
20kg x 12 x 2
20kg x 10 x 1

Not bad, progress on the pulldowns, definately a few cheat reps in the V Bar Pulldowns. Limiting factor on deadlift is still grip strength.
Chest Day is the Best Day

DB Bench Press
18kg x 12 x 2
22kg x 12 x 2
22kg x 10 x 1
22kg x 9 x 2

DB Incline Bench Press
18kg x 12 x 1
18kg x 11 x 2
18kg x 10 x 1
18kg x 8 x 1

Pec Deck Machine
45kg x 12 x 1
60kg x 12 x 1
60kg x 10 x 1
60kg x 9 x 2

Close Grip Bench Press
40kg x 8 x 5

Pec Flys
8kg x 10 x 3

Hammer Curls
10kg x 12 x 4

Considering I hadn't eaten for the best part of 24 hours before hand and did back day last night, that really didn't go too badly at all. Absolutely fatigued now. Skipped the cable crossovers, still feeling a little tweak in the shoulder so no point risking it.
Leg Day - Machine Edition

Leg Press
120kg x 12 x 1
140kg x 12 x 1
160kg x 12 x 1
180kg x 12 x 1
200kg x 12 x 3
200kg x 16 x 1
170kg x 15 x 1

Calf Extension
150kg x 15 x 5

Leg Curls
60kg x 15 x 2
60kg x 12 x 3

Leg Extention
25kg x 180

Leg Press (Single Leg)
60kg x 12 x 1
70kg x 12 x 2

Lat Pulldown (V Bar)
45kg x 12 x 2
55kg x 12 x 1
55kg x 10 x 1
55kg x 9 x 1

Hammer Curls
12kg x 10 x 3

Thats me maxed out on the leg press machine, will have to start using the plate loaded one to progress.
Leg extentions were hell, never had a leg pump like that before.
Random lat pulldowns are in there as I've never been able to do a pullup, so a bit of extra work in there.
Light Whole Body / Cardio Day

DB Bench Press
15kg x 10 x 1
20kg x 12 x 3

Deadlift (form work)
40kg x 12 x 3

Hammer Curls SS with Close Grip Push Ups
10kg x 12 x 3 / BW x 10 x 3

Ring Rows SS with Ball Slams
BW x 12 x 3 / 11kg x 25 x 3

Prowler Shuttles
40kg push from bottom, 94kg push from top, 32kg DB farmers walk x 3

2.5km swim

Well thats me utterly ******. Last 20 lengths were more like slow drowning than swimming but probably the first time I've managed 100 lengths in over 10 years.
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Leg Day - Machine Edition

Leg Extention
25kg x 180

Thats me maxed out on the leg press machine, will have to start using the plate loaded one to progress.
Leg extentions were hell, never had a leg pump like that before.
Random lat pulldowns are in there as I've never been able to do a pullup, so a bit of extra work in there.

180 reps??? no wonder you had a leg pump :D:D

If you want to do a pull up look at pull up development exercises. The lat pulldown doesn't really help/transfer over to a pull up. Start doing negatives now, jump up to the bar and hold yourself up for as long as you can. As the weight drops, the easier it is to do a full pull up :)
Great work Rids, I believe its being 2 years since your last picture show us some more inspiration, pictures please xD

No real progress pictures at the moment as I basically had two years off from following any sort of program, workouts were sporadic at best and I gainted nearly 30lb back. About 20 of that has been trimmed, I'll do a progress shot just before the holiday in 3.5 weeks!

180 reps??? no wonder you had a leg pump :D:D

If you want to do a pull up look at pull up development exercises. The lat pulldown doesn't really help/transfer over to a pull up. Start doing negatives now, jump up to the bar and hold yourself up for as long as you can. As the weight drops, the easier it is to do a full pull up :)

Funnily enough I started work on negatives tonight, just chin up negatives at the moment as opposed to pull up ones. Will try and work this in to the routine twice a week, but cheers for the heads up.

Shoulder Day

DB Shoulder Press
16kg x 12 x 1
16kg x 10 x 1
16kg x 8 x 4

Front Raises
6kg x 12 x 5

Lateral Raises
6kg x 12 x 5

High Pull
25kg x 12 x 2
25kg x 10 x 3

DB Shrugs
22kg x 22 x 6

Arnold DB Press
10kg x 12 x 4
10kg x 10 x 1

Landmine Press
30kg x 15 x 3

Bit of a meh workout, for some reason things just didn't click tonight. Still managed to beat myself up pretty good though so not going to let it get to me.
Back Day

Seated Row
80kg x 12 x 5
65kg x 20 x 1
55kg x 25 x 1
45kg x 30 x 1

75kg x 6 x 1
95kg x 6 x 4

25kg x 15 x 1
25kg x 14 x 1
25kg x 13 x 1
25kg x 12 x 2

Straight Arm Pulldowns
20kg x 12 x 2
20kg x 10 x 1
20kg x 9 x 1

Negative Chin Ups
BW x 5 x 3

Dropped the lat pulldowns / v-bar pulldowns from the routine tonight and brought in the negative chin ups. Lots of work to do here, was more a case of me trying to arrest my fall than lowering myself, but hopefully will get better with time.
Moving the deadlifts earlier into the workout was good, grip was fine, felt smoothe and easy.
Chest Day

DB Bench Press
18kg x 12 x 2
22kg x 12 x 1
22kg x 11 x 2
22kg x 9 x 2

DB Incline Bench
18kg x 12 x 3
18kg x 11 x 1
18kg x 9 x 1

Cable Crossovers
10kg x 12 x 1
10kg x 10 x 2
7.5kg x 12 x 2

Pec Deck
45kg x 12 x 1
60kg x 12 x 2
60kg x 10 x 2

Close Grip Bench Press
45kg x 5 x 5

Pec Fly
8kg x 12 x 3

Was feeling a bit rough, bit of a cold and sore throat but managed to power through. No real progress, but didn't lose anything either.
Leg Day - From Hell

Front Squat
Bar x 12 x 1
30kg x 12 x 1
40kg x 10 x 1
40kg x 9 x 1

Prowler Shuttles
76kg push from bottom, 132kg push from top, 28kg DB farmers walk x 4

Leg Press
120kg x 14 x 1
140kg x 14 x 1
160kg x 14 x 1
180kg x 14 x 1
200kg x 14 x 4
170kg x 14 x 1

Calf Extension
150kg x 15 x 5

Leg Curl
65kg x 8 x 4

Barbell Curl
20kg x 12 x 3

Negative Chin Ups
BW x 6 x 1
BW x 5 x 2

Front squatted for the first time in my life as still can't get a bar comfortably behind my shoulders. Feel like I bruised the **** out of my shoulder and there is definately still work to do on these before I can class myself as comfortable with them.
Hit the Prowler hard to make up for the dissapointing squat work, right at the limit but it felt good.
Chins went well, pretty sure there were a couple of genuine chin ups amongst the negatives, or at least 3/4 chin ups.
Front squats are hard but great when you get them. My first few sessions gave me soreness on my shoulder and neck but that soon goes. Mobility is important too, from ankles to lats (which is my weakness)
Shoulder Day

DB Shoulder Press
16kg x 12 x 2
16kg x 10 x 1
16kg x 8 x 1
16kg x 9 x 2

Front Raise
8kg x 9 x 5

Lateral Raise
8kg x 9 x 5

High Pull
25kg x 12 x 2
25kg x 11 x 1
25kg x 10 x 2

DB Shrugs
22kg x 25 x 6

Arnold DB Press
12kg x 10 x 2
12kg x 9 x 2
12kg x 7 x 1

Landmine Press
32.5kg x 12 x 3

So close to bagging 16 x 12 x 3 which would mark progress up to 18kg on the shoulder press, overall not a bad workout considering I'm still under the weather.
Definately plan to continue with the front squats, there is a lot of work to do there but should at least mean I'll be able to put a reasonable amount of weight on the bar once I get the form nailed.
Back Day

Seated Row
80kg x 12 x 5
65kg x 22 x 1
55kg x 27 x 1
45kg x 32 x 1

95kg x 6 x 1
100kg x 6 x 4

Straight Arm Pulldown
20kg x 12 x 2
20kg x 11 x 2

25kg x 15 x 2
25kg x 14 x 1
25kg x 13 x 1
25kg x 12 x 1

Ab Crunch
50kg x 15 x 4

Negative Chin Ups
BW x 6 x 2
BW x 5 x 1

Solid progress on the deads again, no issues, will keep it going.
Each set of chin ups starts with 2 proper chins and the rest negatives, I'm getting there!
Light Whole Body / Cardio Day

DB Bench Press
10kg x 12 x 1
22.5 x 12 x 1
22.5 x 10 x 1
20kg x 10 x1

Really slow tempo, working on form.

40kg x 12 x 2
50kg x 12 x 2

Again form work, its been highlighted to me that my upper back tends to arch at times, working on pulling my shoulders back.

DB Chest Supported Row
15kg x 12 x 3

Ball Slams ss/ Hammer Curls
11kg x 15 x 3 / 9kg x 12 x 3

Single Leg Hip Thrusts
BW x 12 x 3

2.6km swim.

Had a bit of a food blow out at the weekend so really wanted to push today. Swim felt so good, I stopped at 104 lengths but there was plenty left in the tank, felt so much easier than the 100 lengths the week before.
Chest Day / Breast Day

DB Bench Press
18kg x 12 x 2
22kg x 12 x 3
22kg x 10 x 1
22kg x 9 x 1

Incline Bench Press
20kg x 12 x 1
20kg x 10 x 2
20kg x 9 x 1
20kg x 8 x 1

Cable Crossovers
10kg x 12 x 4
10kg x 10 x 1

Pec Deck
45kg x 12 x 1
60kg x 10 x 3
60kg x 8 x 1

Close Grip Bench Press
45kg x 5 x 1
45kg x 6 x 4

Negative Chin Ups
BW x 6 x 3

Finally hit 3 x 12 @ 22kg on the bench, weight gos up next session. Incline weight went up this workout and felt good (but tough!) - also nailed a couple of full on chin ups, no cheating. Progress feels good.
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