Rids - 283lb to Marathon - Let the journey begin

Thanks guys, don't get me wrong though I'm not exactly setting world record pace. Takes me about 60-70 minutes!
Leg Day - Overtraining Edition

Front Squat
Bar x 12 x 1
30kg x 12 x 3

Reverse Lunges
BW x 12 x 1
12kg x 12 x 3

Leg Press
120kg x 16 x 1
140kg x 16 x 1
160kg x 16 x 1
180kg x 16 x 1
200kg x 16 x 4
160kg x 16 x 1

Calf Extension
150kg x 18 x 5

Leg Curl
65kg x 9 x 4

Leg Extension
25kg x 40 x 1
50kg x 12 x 4

Hammer Curls
12kg x 12 x 3

Front squats went really badly, couldn't get the bar stable, kept rolling off my right shoulder. These need work. Hammered the leg press to make up for it, that is right at my limit.
Feel like I'm starting to get worn down by all the training, think yesterday was 75 days in a row training at least once a day. Holiday in 16 more days so a well earned break approaches.
Shoulder Day

DB Shoulder Press
16kg x 12 x 2
16kg x 11 x 1
16kg x 9 x 3

Front Raise
8kg x 10 x 5

Lateral Raise
8kg x 10 x 5

24kg x 15 x 6

High Pull
25kg x 12 x 5

Arnold DB Press
12kg x 12 x 1
12kg x 8 x 2

Landmine Press
32.5kg x 12 x 3

Arnolds were really tough today - think I was just fatigued from the rest of the workout but overall pretty pleased with how it turned out. Going to up the weight on the DB Shoulder Press next workout, was inches from getting the 3 x 12.
Back Day - Wimp Edition

75kg x 6 x 1
105kg x 6 x 4

Straight Arm Pulldown
20kg x 12 x 4

Negative Chin Ups
BW x 7 x 1
BW x 6 x 2

Lat Pulldown
45kg x 12 x 2
55kg x 8 x 4

And thats it for today... I didn't eat before my session, and I've been light on calories all week so everything felt hard. Progressed on the deadlift but it felt like I was trying to lift a house, decided to keep tonight short and sweet.
Chest Day

DB Bench Press
18kg x 12 x 2
24kg x 12 x 1
24kg x 10 x 1
24kg x 8 x 2
24kg x 7 x 1

Incline DB Bench Press
20kg x 12 x 1
20kg x 9 x 1
20kg x 8 x 1
20kg x 7 x 2
20kg x 6 x 1

Cable Crossovers
10kg x 12 x 5

Pec Deck
45kg x 12 x 1
60kg x 12 x 1
60kg x 10 x 3

Pec Fly
10kg x 10 x 3

Close Grip Bench Press
45kg x 7 x 5

Reverse Curl
15kg x 15 x 1
17.5kg x 15 x 1
20kg x 10 x 2
Leg Day - Rise of the Machine Weights

Leg Press
120kg x 16 x 1
140kg x 16 x 1
160kg x 16 x 1
180kg x 16 x 1
200kg x 16 x 3
200kg x 20 x 1
160kg x 16 x 1

Calf Extension
150kg x 20 x 5

Leg Extension
25kg x 50 x 1
55kg x 12 x 4

Leg Curl
65kg x 10 x 4

Ab Crunch Machiine
55kg x 12 x 4

Negative Chin Ups
BW x 7 x 2
BW x 6 x 1

4 full BW chin ups to open... its getting there. Once I can manage 8 then I'm going to move on to pull ups.
Need to do more leg work with free weights, still can't back squat and front squat needs work. Goblet squats hurt my lower back more than anything as its hard to hold the desired weights. Must. Work. Shoulder. Mobility.
Do you have a roman chair for the lower posterior chain? I'm 6ft5 so I have been all too familiar with lower back problems when I was younger. I consistently do roman chair moves with decline bench sit ups & ab roll out's, my core is stable with no lower back problems anymore.

I do those at least 4 times a week, only takes 10/15 mins all in if you superset it for 3 sets, ~12 sets per week of each. I do work out twice a day though. Maybe just 2 sets of each in a superset, that'd be 8 sets of each per week. In 2 weeks time, you'll feel the difference.

Throw in 50 kettlebell swings with a 25kg kettlebell as well for good measure. Get's the glutes and lower back working and stretching
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We do have a roman chair at my gym, it looks like some kind of medieval torture device that I've steered well clear of but I'll look up some exercises and give it a go.

I wouldn't say that I have lower back problems, just back starts to ache a little when holding a 25kg+ kettlebell and doing goblet squats! But like you say if I'm going to feel the difference then it is certainly worth adding into the routine!

You're training twice a day every day?!
Chest / Cardio Day

BB Bench Press
40kg x 12 x 1
50kg x 10 x 1
55kg x 8 x 1
60kg x 6 x 1
55kg x 8 x 1
50kg x 8 x 1

DB Incline Bench Press
16kg x 12 x 1
18kg x 12 x 1
18kg x 9 x 2

Cable Crossovers
10kg x 12 x 3

2.7km swim, I'm dying.

Had a spotter today so I wanted to see if I managed to push through my Bench Press plateau. Pleased to say that 55kg is no longer a problem, 60kg felt heavy but I think thats my new working weight.
2.7km swim to finish, it was hell. I was sharing a lane with a very fast, very confident swimmer and I spent the first 20 lengths trying to keep pace with him but he blew me away. I wanted to stop, everything hurt, but managed to push on and hit the 2.7km, absolutely dying now.
Shoulder Day

30kg x 6 x 4
30kg x 4 x 1

Front Raise
8kg x 12 x 5

Lateral Raise
8kg x 12 x 5

24kg x 18 x 6

25kg x 12 x 5

Landmine Press
35kg x 12 x 3

1km run in 5 minutes.

Doing shoulder day the day after a 2.7km swim is a **** idea for the record. Won't be repeating that.
First time I've done OHP for a long time, expected 30kg to be my warm up weight but it felt tough - also had trouble with my back arching drastically. This needs work.
First time I've touched a treadmill in over a year, pleased to cruise 1km in 5 minutes. Next attempt will be for an 8 minute mile.
Back Day

Seated Row
80kg x 14 x 5
65kg x 25 x 1
55kg x 30 x 1
45kg x 35 x 1

Straight Arm Pulldowns
20kg x 14 x 1
20kg x 13 x 1
20kg x 12 x 2

25kg x 15 x 3
25kg x 13 x 1
25kg x 12 x 1

75kg x 6 x 1
110kg x 6 x 4

Knackered myself out at the start by hitting the Seated Rows a bit too hard, had barely anything left in the tank by the time I got to the deadlifts but pleased to pull 110kg for reps.
Chest Day

DB Bench Press
18kg x 12 x 2
24kg x 12 x 1
24kg x 11 x 1
24kg x 9 x 1
24kg x 7 x 2

Incline Bench Press
20kg x 12 x 1
20kg x 10 x 1
20kg x 9 x 1
20kg x 8 x 2
20kg x 6 x 1

Pec Deck
45kg x 12 x 1
60kg x 12 x 2
60kg x 11 x 1
60kg x 10 x 1

Close Grip Bench Press
45kg x 7 x 3
45kg x 6 x 3

Pectoral Fly
10kg x 12 x 3

Negative Chin Ups
BW x 7 x 3

Hammer Curls
12kg x 12 x 3

Solid workout, no real progress but given the lack of calories and the way that weight is falling off me at the moment I'm happy to keep things steady.
We do have a roman chair at my gym, it looks like some kind of medieval torture device that I've steered well clear of but I'll look up some exercises and give it a go.

I wouldn't say that I have lower back problems, just back starts to ache a little when holding a 25kg+ kettlebell and doing goblet squats! But like you say if I'm going to feel the difference then it is certainly worth adding into the routine!

You're training twice a day every day?!

You'll definitely feel the difference, it's the only real isolation exercise for the lower back, it's basically sit ups but for the opposite side, it's an excellent exercise.

Yeah, pretty much, gym 4 times a week in the morning with Wednesday morning as yoga, training/coaching every afternoon which is constant sprinting & agility work. Matches on Saturday, and Sunday is a 25 mile mountain bike ride or 5 mile recovery run. My gym is in my outbuildings though, it's not like I'm driving out for a 30 min round trip for the gym to somewhere.
Jesus, would be interested in seeing your logs!

Leg Day

Leg Press
120kg x 18 x 1
140kg x 18 x 1
160kg x 18 x 1
180kg x 18 x 1
200kg x 18 x 4
160kg x 18 x 1

Calf Extension
160kg x 15 x 6

Leg Curl
70kg x 8 x 4

Leg Extension
25kg x 60 x 1
60kg x 12 x 4

Hammer Curls
14kg x 12 x 3

Hanging Leg Raises
BW x 15 x 3

Chin Ups
BW x 5

Cable Crossovers
7.5kg x 20 x 1
10kg x 10 x 2

Generic machine leg day, need to get on the plate loaded leg press to progress.
Bit of upper body to finish off, 5 full rep chin ups - pleased.
Could do I suppose, I have it all in my head though basically, I know off the top of my head what weights I need to be starting at, been at it so long I've just stopped doing my logs, i'm not too worried about the small details & increments anymore, it's more about keeping strength and mobility. I focus more on my coaching methods, I keep detailed logs about that stuff though.

Off the top of my head.
Military press start at 60kg
Barbell rows start at 70kg
DB chest press start at 60kg
Deadlift start at 120kg
Bicep EZ bar start at 30kg
Standing Tricep DB press start at 35kg
Various squat machines start at 150kg
Calf extensions with 40kg BB on my shoulders, start at 30 reps, work my way up to 50
Got a whole loads of other isolation exercises in there as well, core work and stuff.

That's pretty much my base
Thats a lot of weight your shifting, nice.

Saturday Shoulders

Bar x 10 x 1
32.5kg x 6 x 5

Front Raise
8kg x 10 x 5

Lateral Raise
8kg x 10 x 5

DB Shrugs
24kg x 20 x 6

High Pull
25kg x 14 x 1
25kg x 12 x 2

Landmine Press
35kg x 15 x 1
35kg x 12 x 2

Hanging Leg Raise
BW x 20 x 3

Push Ups
BW x 25 x 1

Sunday - Back Day

75kg x 6 x 1
115kg x 6 x 4

Straight Arm Pulldowns
20kg x 15 x 3
20kg x 12 x 1

25kg x 15 x 5

Roman Chair Back Extentions
BW x 12 x 3

DB Chest Supported Row
18kg x 12 x 3

Negative Chin Ups
BW x 7 x 2

Deadlifting 115kg for reps, thats a new rep PB. Need somebody to video me on the Roamn Chair Back Extensions as not 100% on form but didn't feel difficult at all. If form is correct will need to add some weight to this.
Roman chair form, keep looking up to keep the natural arc in your back, 12 reps with bodyweight won't strain you much, hold a 10kg/15kg/20kg weight plate to your chest and do 20 odd reps, then 25, 35, 40. Just find what suits you, you'll know when your lower back, glutes and hamstrings are being worked
No worries mate. Lower back is a bit like the calves, higher reps work better because it's a muscle used frequently.
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