Could do I suppose, I have it all in my head though basically, I know off the top of my head what weights I need to be starting at, been at it so long I've just stopped doing my logs, i'm not too worried about the small details & increments anymore, it's more about keeping strength and mobility. I focus more on my coaching methods, I keep detailed logs about that stuff though.
Off the top of my head.
Military press start at 60kg
Barbell rows start at 70kg
DB chest press start at 60kg
Deadlift start at 120kg
Bicep EZ bar start at 30kg
Standing Tricep DB press start at 35kg
Various squat machines start at 150kg
Calf extensions with 40kg BB on my shoulders, start at 30 reps, work my way up to 50
Got a whole loads of other isolation exercises in there as well, core work and stuff.
That's pretty much my base