Got a rift s today, bit of a massive impulse buy and I was very shocked to see argos selling them. But reserved online and 5 minutes later was walking out store with it.
I'm loving the vr experience so. My first headset so nothing to compare too. I'm not sure if it's vr or me but it seems kind blurry sometimes, is that normal?
Also what go to games would you all recommend. I mainly got it for my driving set up as the next logical step from triple screen was vr. But obviously I'm going to try out as much as far all I've played is superhot and blade and sorcerer. Got serious Sam 3, hotdogs horseshoes and hand grenades and keep talking and nobody explodes downloaded to have a play any tomorrow. Any more you'd suggest to try out?
Others have suggested games already. I am just replying to your blurry problem. Have you measured your IPD? There is a software setting to change the IPD, it doesn't make much of difference compared to a hardware IPD, but, if it's only blurry sometimes, this might dial it in better for you.
Also, check to make sure your headset is on correctly, it might be a little loose and your movements are taking it out of the sweet spot. Another tip is that the back of the strap should be as low on your head as possible.