RIP Gene Hackman

RIP to a legend. It's shocking and does sound like monoxide.
this might just be my weird way of thinking but i'd actually think it would be better if they both decided to simply go to sleep together one last time. the thought of someone making it to 94 then being killed by carbon monoxide just seems so so sad.
Very sudden and sad to hear. So many great movies and roles. Absolute legend. Rest in peace Gene Hackman.
this might just be my weird way of thinking but i'd actually think it would be better if they both decided to simply go to sleep together one last time. the thought of someone making it to 94 then being killed by carbon monoxide just seems so so sad.
Likewise. If I live to 94 and get taken out by a faulty gas appliance, I’m haunting those responsible!
Great actor etc but if it's some sort of suicide pact where they took the dog out too then may he rot in hell the evil so and so for killing the dog too I'm sure the dog wouldn't have chosen suicide, it's exactly what hitler did in his bunker by also killing his dog. If it's some other type of death then RIP Gene you are a legend (will lose all respect though if he killed his dog).
Absolute hollywood legend, stunned to realise he was 95. RIP to them all.

@ Tykey, it may have been a kindness for the dog if was also old and frail, if it was a suicide part. They may not have wanted the dog to suffer if they were not found. Won't judge until the facts are known.
Great actor etc but if it's some sort of suicide pact where they took the dog out too then may he rot in hell the evil so and so for killing the dog too I'm sure the dog wouldn't have chosen suicide, it's exactly what hitler did in his bunker by also killing his dog. If it's some other type of death then RIP Gene you are a legend (will lose all respect though if he killed his dog).

Even if they did kill the dog in some kind of suicide pact I don't think in any way shape or form you can compare Gene Hackman to Hitler

A legend has gone.
It's all conjecture. My mum 75 was diagnosed with cancer when my dad was 77. They talked about ending it together if she started to suffer too much.

He simply said that knowing his kids were all happy, married, he felt that his own life would have no real purpose if his wife of 50 years were to die.

Maybe Gene Hackman was in a similar position. I can understand totally.

This suicide pact theory doesn't sit right with me, if it turns out to be true.

My partner's grandad died 20 years ago and her gran died last month aged 99, after at least 15 years of good health and happy times.
Great actor etc but if it's some sort of suicide pact where they took the dog out too then may he rot in hell the evil so and so for killing the dog too I'm sure the dog wouldn't have chosen suicide, it's exactly what hitler did in his bunker by also killing his dog. If it's some other type of death then RIP Gene you are a legend (will lose all respect though if he killed his dog).
Possibly the strangest example of Godwins Law I've ever seen :D
Great actor etc but if it's some sort of suicide pact where they took the dog out too then may he rot in hell the evil so and so for killing the dog too I'm sure the dog wouldn't have chosen suicide, it's exactly what hitler did in his bunker by also killing his dog. If it's some other type of death then RIP Gene you are a legend (will lose all respect though if he killed his dog).

Reading this was quite the rollercoaster.

RIP Gene Hackman. Loved his role in Crimson Tide.
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One of my favourite films, regardless of accuracy. Mainly due to the theme tune, which is an incredible piece of music.

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