Can't believe I'm actually posting this.
Well guys and girls, this will be the penultimate post in this thread with work in it. I really can't believe it's actually almost finished.
I started out today with the rig moved around so I could work on it easily.
After some jiggling I realised that the SATA cables Tom sent me (hail the Tom) were not long enough to loop around and then go to the SSD floor. It was OK though, as thankfully I had a couple of joiners left kicking around from an old project.
I then fitted the SATA port cover.
And finally completely built the SSD panel.
And fitted it.
Then I started to wire up the side panel but catastrophe hit and the positive wire for the nose cone snapped off

so it was out with the soldering tools ! the nose cone also decided it wanted to fall off too.
Then I fitted the main floor and glued the nose cone to the fan.
Then I fitted the radiator covers.
And then the back side PSU cover.
Then I powered the rig on.
And pressed in the two buttons whilst holding my breath...
And tidied everything up.
Then tested the lights again.
Wicked, nice and subtle ! let's take a peek in the rig..
And a rig pic.
So all I have left to do now is fit the new PCIE extensions, fit the mobo cooling cover (for the top fets) and well, that's really about it. Hard to believe that in one more hour or so of modding this will be all done !