Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Played a bit last night.

Damn it sounds and looks awesome. But Jesus it's unforgiving, you definitely gotta keep your head down. The upside of that is it will keep the run and gun COD/BF kiddies away!!
I know they will but this feels like it needs a massive amount of balancing issues. Couple I can think of off the top of my head:

1. Lag seems really bad atm, can be firing at an enemy and see them hop 2-3 meters sometimes, I think the movement in general needs some smoothing.

2. Spawn zones. FFS they need to sort some sort of line the VC can't progress beyond. Just had a match where a VC player set up behind out front lines about 10 meters out of spawn and just LMG'd everyone spawning. Had about 3-4 matches now where theres guys who know full well they can get into a camping spot behind your lines and are basically invulnerable and farm kills.

3. Gunsights, some just feel too big and its difficult to see what youre aiming at as it blocks most of the view out.

I am enjoying it overall but theres a couple of bits that just ruin matches for me atm.
Is there currently any way to get into the beta of this ? buying early perhaps? ive run out of games to play and this is the only one peaking my interest at the moment !

Do you need to be invited by other beta participants ? If so does anyone here happen to have a spare key (long shot i know :p)
Is there currently any way to get into the beta of this ? buying early perhaps? ive run out of games to play and this is the only one peaking my interest at the moment !

Do you need to be invited by other beta participants ? If so does anyone here happen to have a spare key (long shot i know :p)
You need to sign up here and wait for an invite.
Cannot wait for the next beta weekend and the release. It's really growing into something great. Whilst we will never get another Darkest Hour from Tripwire, they are are certainly creating a really fun game. Hopefully the next wave will have more of the regular RO2/RS guys who use their mics as it's been very hit and miss in regards to joining a server and finding team play/comms.

This and Squad will keep me entertained for years.
Status Update on the Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Beta
Hello everyone!

We wanted to reach out and let everybody know what has been going on since the close of the last beta wave! We’ve been combing through tester feedback from the surveys as well as the well-written and thought out (thanks for that!) supplemental feedback in our various forums as well as Reddit and Discord. While we may not be able to action as much of it as we want for this next wave, many changes have happened based on it (I’ll swing back around to that).

First I want to let everybody know our current focus and priorities (so everybody can make sure they are aware and it can also help focus current feedback). In order:
  • Performance (both map specific and overall with changes being made in content, engine and effects to bring this to expected levels)
  • Gameplay balance (several maps are undergoing work to address issues and we are looking at system tweaks) and...
  • Bugs (killing them with fire, a big thanks to the testers who have stepped up and helped us find reproduction cases that we have asked for help on! We are also focusing on prone transition and movement bugs as priorities)

Now back to community feedback. We’ve got some upcoming changes for wave 7 that the testers should enjoy (by popular demand and bug reporting). In no particular order:
  • In-game vsync should now be functioning as expected
  • Tripple buffering has been added
  • Fixed a bug that could cause AA to not work properly at all resolutions
  • We are addressing several map balance issues (more on this below)
  • Squad leaders will be rewarded for spawns and arty markers (points), as well as issued a sidearm
  • Servers will now reserve a connection spot and not allow others to join (and be booted when the server filled up while they were connecting) until the player has failed the connection

To our current testers, we plan to publish an interim closed beta build (that will not have undergone extensive QA testing as our previous closed beta waves) leading into this weekend. Our goal here is to get some bodies in maps that have had a gameplay balance pass, so we can evaluate the changes before we open the doors on the next full fledged closed beta wave (and have time to react to the evaluation if need be).

Last but not least we’ve been enjoying many of the informative (and funny) videos our testers have been creating and have a few to share from the last wave. We’ll likely be sharing more of these as we continue forward towards launch!

This one from Bruhaker about transport helicopters:

Closed Beta Wave 6.1
From the moment closed beta Wave 1 began, our goal was to maintain a 2-way street of communication with the Rising Storm 2: Vietnam community. We continue this philosophy by providing an interim closed beta wave, based on closed beta Wave 6 survey feedback.

In this interim closed beta wave, we have made map balance changes for Hue City and Cu Chi. You will only see these two maps over the weekend as we want this to be a very focused test. Once the weekend has concluded we will provide a link (to be emailed to you), which will allow you to provide your feedback based on the map balance changes.

Please note, as this is an interim closed beta wave build, you may see items that are still a work in progress and as such, bugs may persist. As mentioned previously, the main focus of this test is map balance changes for Hue City and Cu Chi. Your focus and feedback should be geared towards this topic only, for this interim beta wave.

Thank you for your continued interest and dedication. We look forward to your feedback!

RS2:Vietnam Developers
That's what I thought. I don't pre order any more but I respect these Devs, last one was a bit buggy but none of the AAA's compared imo and at that price shows you how much cod, battlefield e t.c. are taking the Mick.
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