Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

£17.22? Wow, I like tripwire and while from what I played of the beta it needs a lot of polish, that's a very good price. I'm probably going to give it a go for that.
For that price I'm tempted, wasn't a great fan of the beta but the game was fun just didn't run very well for me. The screen shake gave me a lazy eye.

When's the release date?
Looks like all the "beta sign up" requests were a clever way to setup a marketing list :D

If they are asking for money they can at least say when the paid beta starts :(
Just bought this, will be playing tonight if the beta launches in time. Are squads working yet? If so do we have an OCUK one? Would be great to get on with some people on VOIP. Haven't done that with you guys since TFU and DayZ :D
I just received an invite, so downloading now. Looking forward to trying this, it's currently sat on top of my wishlist right now while I'm contemplating buying.
Okay so had a play around with this. Overall I'm pretty impressed.

Some of the maps / game modes feel really slow moving.
Feels slightly jerky in gameplay but I like the general feel of the character movement and guns.
The guns have a hell of a kick to them, this took me by surprise.
I got taken out by what I think was some kind of airstrike and man did I feel it.
The sounds really help with the atmosphere. I'm using headphones and they really give a sense of being shot at or when bombs are being dropped.
I had an issue with random FPS drops once in a while.

Sure the game doesn't look amazingly great but the gameplay more than makes up for it.
Had a good couple of hours on it tonight, seems pretty decent so far. It took me quite a while to get to grips with my surroundings tbh, for the first few games I was just getting killed without any idea where I was getting shot from, or who was even on my team at a distance. It definitely takes some getting used to when you're fighting people in the heavy jungle, though I imagine you'll develop that sense of awareness the more you play. I found a lot more success when I managed to be a sniper for a couple of rounds, I found a good positions and was able to pretty much take out a whole squad on several occasions, the ping sound of a headshot is so satisfying!

Ran into a number of bugs already, such as invisible weapons, broken scopes and getting stuck in the terrain, all seemed pretty common in the chat, probably nice easy fixes that will come along quickly.

I'll most likely put other stuff on hold and play this a little more, Tripwire have done a decent job with this so far, I just hope it doesn't fall to pieces for me like RO2 did, that lwft a very bad taste and took a long while to get over.
My Performance in this build has sky rocket, the game feels so good now.. Had some funny glitches though like being in a helicopter and the pilot try to land in a Rice field and we fall into the map. Other one I went to climb the ladder and got stuck.

Here is some Raw Beta 7 gameplay for anyone interested.
I don't suppose by some miracle someone here has a spare beta code ? I've somehow missed out in it again ! I would just purchase it but I've not played one of these games in years and don't want to risk the money yet !
Beta wave 7 come to an end now next wave in couple weeks... Loving this game even more this build they have done an excellent job with the movement system it feels very responsive.


The end of beta wave 7 might not be true nothing is posted on steam but it was posted on reddit.
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