Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

I find it plays very similarly to RO2. I'm guessing it's the same engine? I've picked it up fairly quickly as it feels very familiar.
Plus, I've also been playing Squad a lot lately - by comparison, RS2 is much easier :D

One gripe is that the graphics feel a bit "soft" and washed out, so I might experiment with some Sweet FX filters tonight - I did the same with RO2 and that really made the game look a lot better.
Bots are still in but aren't very clever. They don't work on all maps also.

Console commands:
Open VNTE-CuChi
Open VNTE-HueCity
addbots 64
7 maps at launch. Pretty much nothing new since the beta. Worst game in the series by far, it has major pop in still, audio sounds below par and compared to the other RO games its so souless and boring. This is basically DLC or Early Access still. Probably the reason why it was so cheap to begin with and the fact its £9.99 on CDKeys
7 maps at launch. Pretty much nothing new since the beta. Worst game in the series by far, it has major pop in still, audio sounds below par and compared to the other RO games its so souless and boring. This is basically DLC or Early Access still. Probably the reason why it was so cheap to begin with and the fact its £9.99 on CDKeys
Depends on personal preference, I couldnt stand Ro, rising storm was my best as love bolt action (what I hoped bf1 was going to be like) followed by this - I think they've done an amazing job balancing and yes I do believe it was released early but a lot of people were whinging about the delay. Plus all the games were buggy but they will continue to support! As i said one man's treasure is another man's trash and after 54 hours in I'm still loving but this is my personal opinion.
Great game only thing stopping me putting hours in now is the lack of AA forces me to run 4K which i cant keep frames on due to no G-sync and it made me feel sick after 5 hours but i think it says something when i did 5 hours dying loads and still wanted more. The engine is complete and utter garbage though it looks great its smooth but what is with the fact a GTX 1080 is unable to hold 1080p 120hz on lowest settings!?!? That is right 1080p Lowest with the config tweaks i know from Unreal Engine 3 games like Chivalry and still you dip below 100 at times causing constant stutter. Why did they not port this to the latest version of unreal is a crime because i think this is the best shooter i will find this year. I was looking at CODWW2 BF1 and i wanted this one and i am glad i paid £9.99 for the base version on hotukdeals.

How can you argue with that £9.99 and now just a waiting game until i get a G-Sync panel when i do i am diving right in and hoping for a tank to be added.
They didn't use the latest Unreal engine as they had already started marking the game while UE4 was still in its infancy (and still is).

As with all Unreal Engine games it has this strange blur which you need to use ReShade to counter it.
It is not HT i actually fixed it by implementing basic UE3 tweaks smoothed my framerate from 0 to 120 and dropped textures to high everything else lowest inc config things disabled. End result is 4K frametimes of 8ms 120fps 99.9% of the time on 64p. It looks ok and i still prefer this to any other shooter i tried recently it feels a bit clunky but i still prefer it to Battlefield. A patch is due soon to overhaul the rendering also because it runs on 2 cores so i think i will wait until then.
Not played it much yet but really enjoying it. The conquest like game version doesn't really work for me. You often have limited spawn choices and have to trudge half way over the map just to get headshotted once you get near and have no idea where it came from. Part of the game with this title, I get that, but it can be a little frustrating. The standard game mode is much better. Suppression is great. The number of maps available is very poor though and for some maps you could do with more tickets. Graphics are what they are but this game was never about the flash graphics and all about the gameplay, which is excellent once you get used to the clunky nature of it. Its not really a twitch shooter afterall.

I really like the bombardment with the smoke that comes out like a dandelion, that's cool, but the napalm is pretty terrible looking!

The sound is GREAT too.

Oh, and I'm terrible at enemy identification, its taking me a while to differentiate between friendly and enemy, especially as the little blue and green diamonds aren't always obvious. That's either lead to a fair amount of me either teamkilling or dying due to indecision.
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One way to help determine the differences between factions - the "good guys" (if you want to call them that) will sprint with both hands on their weapon whilst the "bad guys" will carry their gun with one hand whilst sprinting.

Definitely agree with maps though, they need to get some more on the go!
You often have limited spawn choices and have to trudge half way over the map
This should improve with time, as vc tunnels should be being built more regularly - which a lot of the new guys aren't doing and as US if your squad leader can stay alive near a point it works really well that and spawning on helli to get behind lines can really be good.

Oh, and I'm terrible at enemy identification

What BJN says is a good way to identify in most situations. Even after 160hrs (and coming from rising storm 1) I still occasionaly tk, this is mostly due to customisation (not complaining - people like it). Recently I've seen vc with shirtless, backpacks and helmet - and this can confuse me (usually when under fire). That or the boonie hat both sides can wear. A lot of people (and increasing every day) are getting better and as long as you apologise are usually more chilled than the early days, it happens!

Just remember - try to check your map before throwing grenades-using flamer e.t.c this will show all friendlies and can save an embarrassing tk/s

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Theres one thing that's really bugging me about this now and its when firing up close to objects like over a trench or over a wall or window sill. You are firing clearly over the wall but the bullets keep hitting the top of it and not the target way in the distance. That's a bit frustrating.
Anyone else had the DX11 error since the latest update? Everything was working perfectly until that installed recently for me :(
Just saw this listed today in a video for 'Best Upcoming FPS Titles of 2017', but Steam reviews seem to be slating it.

Is there a variety of people playing this who can chime in on the current state of the game? As i like the concept, the fact it's tactical and promotes squad play.
What are the people who are slating it saying? It's a good solid game which only needs more maps to freshen things up (more maps are on the way).
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