Road Cycling Essentials

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4 Mar 2007
Yep, pretty much. :) Increasing the efficiency of the muscles you have is very much the way forward if you're at a relatively low BF%. If anything, adding extra muscle (and therefore extra mass) is counter-productive.

I'd recommend splitting your training between longer and shorter threshold efforts though. Do some 20 minute "time trial" style efforts, at an uncomfortable but maintainable level of exertion, in addition to your shorter all out sprint efforts. You'll find you become more aware of your body and are more able to stay just below the point where you produce lactate more quickly than you can clear it (i.e. the lactate threshold). Training in this zone gives pretty efficient results.

The longer intervals are good too because you don't want to overdo the sprints because, generally speaking, the more intense the effort the longer it takes your body to recover. I'd probably do no more than one session a week of sprints. It was quite eye opening watch sprinters train at the track. An hour session might "only" comprise three 250m sprints, but if you're doing them at full effort you need the recoveries in between.

Cool, well I have done a few 1 hour Dunham Massey 'TT' loops in the past trying to get 20 miles done in under an hour, was a few seconds off last time I tried (damn traffic doesnt help!) so will try and get one of those in a week after work with some sprints in there and do the hills on a Sunday and casual ride with g/f on Saturdays.
Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
Nice. :o There don't seem to be any good cheap tubs really for outside use - I don't mind Vittoria Pistas but they're only good for the track. I don't mind my Conti Sprinters on the track but they're probably not great for outside either as they have no puncture protection.

I've got a set of Sprinter Gatorskins glued up ready to go on a ride tomorrow so I'll report back on how those go. They're not "cheap" but are cheaper than some tubs at least...
Yeah, I've quickly realised this. Track tubs are a fair bit cheaper but it looks like it's because there is nothing of them and they wouldn't last 5 minutes on a road. Bah.

wiggle have continental giros for 16.99 atm as well
They're going to be my next choice (though they get equally mixed reviews), then the Tufo's. I ideally want a tan wall but it's no problem if I have to use the blackwall Tufo. I'm in no hurry to get the bike on the road and it's no financial penalty to me by buying them through Wiggle because they'll take them back and refund them at no extra cost if they're faulty. I'm sort of disappointed in Wiggle at stocking rubbish like these Rallys, they really ought to quality control their product lines.

I've got one like that but a bit older and a Fenix L2D. Essentially the difference between it and a higher quality torch like a Fenix is:
-Cheap one has no rubber seals;
-Cheap one has a plastic lens which scratches easily. Fenix has a crystal lens which hasn't scratched after 5 years use and is still completely clear;
-Light colour is better in the Fenix;
-I think the beam pattern is better but that's a purely subjective thing;
-Low light modes are better on the Fenix as the switching frequency is higher. I could see the flicker on the cheap one.

I wish someone independent (i.e. not a manufacturer or bike magazine) would do a Chinese v "proper" frame test. The only real scare stories I've seen are from Specialized and Wilier and I feel like you have to take that with a pinch of salt.
We really want to do one here. The problem is the cost which would string into several £k for the frames, but then the setup and testing time which would probably use up a week of one person and one of our Instron machines, so the total cost would be well into five figures.

Looking at those strength figures though, there really isn't that much difference in the grand scale of things. The Chinese parts are consistently lower which I'd say is pretty representative, but I'll point out that the variation in even the highest quality carbon fibre specimens we can make is more than 20%. Basically you could put another Willier frame in there and test it again and it could spit out the same figures as that Chinese frame.

There will be no instant failure compared to the Willier frame. Carbon fails immediately and catastrophically. It doesn't plastically deform like steel or aluminium - it just breaks when it gets to its UTS and that's that. Both will do it. Where it does it is purely down to the design strength of the frame.

What you see in that fork steerer is that they have tested the Chinese fork to destruction but not the Willier one. I don't know why they would do that. To put it into perspective, it looks like they have loaded the fork up until it broke while it was hanging out a fixture halfway down the steerer tube. It folded when it got to 3795N which is about 380kg. That's quite a whack and would have to be a pretty serious head-on crash.
18 Oct 2002
There's no such thing as spot fat removal unfortunately. Everything else being equal, if you actually built some muscles around your abs then it would make your stomach larger unless you also dropped your body fat percentage.

It sounds like what happened over the weekend was you did a ton of walking that you're not used to and your legs are still a bit knackered. I don't do much walking and I'm always a lot more sore after a long walk than I would expect, given the miles I do cycling each week.


but all things being equal having extra protein in your diet will likely do you some good.

I'm guessing the walking coupled with the headwind really took it's toll this morning. I was just feeling slightly shocked how difficult I found it! As for the sit-ups thought it was me thinking to get some other exercise into my 'routine' which will help me rather than actually making a big difference. Fairly sure my BF% is quite high so any additional exercise will make a difference?

Sounds good! Didn't realise you were another Manc resident. :)

Noooo another one! There's frickkin loads of you in here now! ;)


My rough calorie count etc from the weekend:
  • (Day off work & 14 miles on turbo)
  • slice of wholemeal toast with marg & bowl of museli
  • Fish finger sandwich for lunch (4 fingers, 2 slices of wholemeal bread)
  • Chinese 'all you can eat' at restaurant (2 small spring rolls, 2 small samosas, 1 yuk sang, 1/2 portion of rice, 1/2 portion of noodles, plate of beef king do, plate of chicken bamboo shoots and water chestnuts & pint of beer).
  • some chocolate in the evening while watching TV

  • (Lots of walking, 21000 steps)
  • porridge for breakfast with banana (7am)
  • baked potato with cheese, cranberry and turkey (amazing!) for lunch
  • 3 pints of beer, a museli bar and some haribo while watching the rugby
  • Dominos Large Meat-eor takeaway pizza (7pm)

  • (lazy day at home - DIY & cleaning house)
  • porridge for breakfast (8am)
  • mixed vegetable soup with 3 slices of wholemeal bread for lunch
  • chocolate brownie & banana during the day
  • chicken breast with various roast veg, mashed potatoes and yorkshire pudding
  • Mixed nuts and dried fruit in the evening while watching tv

Will fill in some calorie details from my calculations as I do them - I'll probably keep track of my intake this week so I have more of an idea about it! (won't be very interesting so I'll do it offline don't worry :p) :)
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28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Cool, well I have done a few 1 hour Dunham Massey 'TT' loops in the past trying to get 20 miles done in under an hour, was a few seconds off last time I tried (damn traffic doesnt help!) so will try and get one of those in a week after work with some sprints in there and do the hills on a Sunday and casual ride with g/f on Saturdays.

Got a link to your Dunham Massey loop? I'm about 15 or so miles from there, so I'd be interested to see what loop you're doing.
28 Oct 2006
What you see in that fork steerer is that they have tested the Chinese fork to destruction but not the Willier one. I don't know why they would do that. To put it into perspective, it looks like they have loaded the fork up until it broke while it was hanging out a fixture halfway down the steerer tube. It folded when it got to 3795N which is about 380kg. That's quite a whack and would have to be a pretty serious head-on crash.

I cant figure out how they have caused that damage to the chinese fork? It looks like there is a deformation/indentation halfway down the steerer tube, which I would expect to see if they forced the axle of the fork forwards. There also is a tear around the front of the crown which I think would be more likely with the force being applied backwards on the axle?

Did it also fail in 2 places at exactly the same time? I thought that the way carbon breaks (with pretty much complete loss of structural rigidity) would mean that it's difficult to transfer enough force through the first point of failure to break again?

You know your stuff Jonny, explain it to us :p
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
I'm guessing the walking coupled with the headwind really took it's toll this morning. I was just feeling slightly shocked how difficult I found it! As for the sit-ups thought it was me thinking to get some other exercise into my 'routine' which will help me rather than actually making a big difference. Fairly sure my BF% is quite high so any additional exercise will make a difference?

Having more exercise in there will make a difference yes but you're better off doing something that isn't inherently bad for you. If you want to do bodyweight stuff then pistol squats and lunges are very good. You could also get a cheap chin up bar and/or a rollout roller..thing.

*calorie stuff*

You'll be horrified if you look up the kcal of that Dominos pizza :p

edit: Beaten by rnickster it seems.

Got a link to your Dunham Massey loop? I'm about 15 or so miles from there, so I'd be interested to see what loop you're doing.

I'm also interested in seeing this :)
4 Mar 2007
Got a link to your Dunham Massey loop? I'm about 15 or so miles from there, so I'd be interested to see what loop you're doing.

Well its only to Dunham and back really, but its the only 20mile route I have at the moment, coming back into West Timperly is where it sucks.

Probably worth spending some time creating a route that starts outside manchester rather than from home. Can you recommend any good places to do 20 miles flat'ish? with few traffic lights ? :p and dont say the velodrome :)
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
You live about 1 mile away from me Nick :p

If you can find a way to get out there then there's a route that comes back from Alderley Edge station that is about 12 miles all slightly downhill with very few traffic lights. I guess it would be kind of cheating though...

edit: I see you've already kind of done that route from Alderley back home.
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18 Oct 2002
All this food counting... I can't eat enough. I just keep piling the food in and I'm constantly hungry. I seem to have got stuck at about 11 1/2 stone. I could get my weight lower, but cake.

Same here, but I'm down to 13 stone (from >15) and not worried about it now - I certainly won't be weighing myself over Christmas! :D

I just want to made riding 'easier' (ok I want to go further and faster more consistently). I just want my commute (4.3 miles) to be an 'easy' ride regardless of the weather conditions/wind etc. I'm getting there - 15+ miles on the turbo doesn't seem to leave me struggling to walk for days any longer! :p

theres your 2-2.5k day calorie intake requirement right there :p

Yeah, but I really was flagging by that point - 21,000 steps, my usual daily is 6500-8000! And they were 2 for £15.99! Still had the 3.5 hour drive home ahead of me :D
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Man of Honour
16 May 2005
Ha, small world!, seen a few of your rides and I'm sure we've probably crossed paths commuting unknowingly.

Yeah downhill would feel like cheating.

Sounds possible. Do you work anywhere near the centre of town? I go in and out of that kind of area a lot for commutes.

It could be worth checking out the Manchester Wheeler TT rides. They do quite a few loops not that crazy far from where we live. I can't remember any of them off the top of my head though.
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
Ah right. Manc Uni for me :)

I still haven't ridden with the Wheelers. The other two clubs I've been on rides with both seemed decent though. Must get round to riding with the Wheelers before my year membership expires...
29 Dec 2004
There's 3 of us within about half a mile in Burnage now (*cough* I mean East Didsbury). We'll have to meet for a ride at some point.

I'm a Wheeler but don't get out on many group rides I must confess. Going to join the winter chaingang when it starts in January though. It runs off this loop at Dunham Massey: Might be of interest to you Von?
20 Dec 2006
Has anyone received their free Lezny light from that Magazine subscription yet? I still can't login to my account, and their support is terrible. They've now deleted my account that I couldn't access, but now they're asking for a subscription number, which of course I didn't receive. Need to see if they've started the direct debit.
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